Aus welchem Land kamen die ersten Gastarbeiterinnen und Gastarbeiter nach Bundesrepublik Deutschland?
From which country did the first guest workers come to the Federal Republic of Germany?
The correct answer is 'Italien' (Italy). The first guest workers who came to the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) were from Italy. This was due to a labor recruitment agreement signed in 1955 between Germany and Italy to address labor shortages during the period of economic growth known as the 'Wirtschaftswunder' (economic miracle).
Ausländische Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer, die in den 50er und 60er Jahren von der Bundesrepublik Deutschland angeworben wurden, nannte man …
Foreign workers who were recruited by the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1950s and 1960s were called …
The correct answer is 'Gastarbeiterinnen/Gastarbeiter.' In the 1950s and 1960s, the Federal Republic of Germany recruited foreign workers, known as 'Gastarbeiter' (guest workers), to help with labor shortages caused by the economic boom (Wirtschaftswunder).
In der DDR lebten vor allem Migrantinnen und Migranten aus …
In the DDR, migrants mainly came from …
The correct answer is 'Vietnam, Polen, Mosambik.' During the time of the DDR (East Germany), many migrants came from socialist countries such as Vietnam, Poland, and Mozambique. These migrants were often brought in for labor and training under specific agreements between the countries.
Aus welchem Land sind die meisten Migrantinnen und Migranten nach Deutschland gekommen?
From which country have most migrants come to Germany?
The correct answer is 'Türkei' (Turkey). In the 1960s and 1970s, many migrants came to Germany from Turkey as part of guest worker agreements. This migration wave has made Turkish people one of the largest foreign-born populations in Germany.
In Deutschland nennt man die letzten vier Wochen vor Weihnachten …
In Germany, the last four weeks before Christmas are called …
The correct answer is 'die Adventszeit' (the Advent season). The four weeks leading up to Christmas in Germany are known as 'Adventszeit.' It is a significant time of anticipation and preparation for Christmas, marked by many traditions such as the lighting of Advent candles and calendars.
Welche Religion hat die europäische und deutsche Kultur geprägt?
Which religion has shaped European and German culture?
The correct answer is 'das Christentum' (Christianity). Christianity has had a profound impact on both European and German culture, influencing art, philosophy, law, and traditions over many centuries. Major holidays like Christmas and Easter, as well as historical architecture like cathedrals, reflect this influence.
Pfingsten ist ein …
Pfingsten is a …
The correct answer is 'christlicher Feiertag' (Christian holiday). Pfingsten, known as Pentecost in English, is an important Christian holiday celebrated 50 days after Easter. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, marking the beginning of the Christian church.
Was ist in Deutschland ein Brauch zu Ostern?
What is a tradition in Germany for Easter?
The correct answer is 'Eier bemalen' (paint eggs). In Germany, a common Easter tradition is painting eggs, which are often used for decoration or Easter egg hunts. This practice symbolizes new life and is an integral part of Easter celebrations.
Die Menschen in Deutschland leben nach dem Grundsatz der religiösen Toleranz. Was bedeutet das?
People in Germany live by the principle of religious tolerance. What does this mean?
The correct answer is 'Jeder kann glauben, was er möchte' (Everyone can believe what they want). In Germany, the principle of religious tolerance means that every individual has the freedom to practice their religion or choose not to practice any religion, without interference from the state.
Warum muss man in Deutschland bei der Steuererklärung aufschreiben, ob man zu einer Kirche gehört oder nicht? Weil …
Why do you have to declare in your tax return in Germany whether you belong to a church or not? Because …
The correct answer is 'es eine Kirchensteuer gibt, die an die Einkommen- und Lohnsteuer geknüpft' (there is a church tax that is tied to income and wage taxes). In Germany, members of certain religious communities, such as the Catholic or Protestant church, pay a church tax, which is collected through the income tax system. This is why people need to declare their religious affiliation in their tax returns.
Sie haben in Deutschland einen Fernseher gekauft. Zu Hause packen Sie den Fernseher aus, doch er funktioniert nicht. Der Fernseher ist kaputt. Was können Sie machen?
You bought a TV in Germany. At home, you unpack the TV, but it doesn't work. The TV is broken. What can you do?
The correct answer is 'den Fernseher reklamieren' (return the TV or make a complaint). In Germany, if a product like a television is defective upon purchase, the standard procedure is to return it to the store or file a complaint (reklamieren) and request a repair, replacement, or refund.
Ein Mann mit dunkler Hautfarbe bewirbt sich um eine Stelle als Kellner in einem Restaurant in Deutschland. Was ist ein Beispiel für Diskriminierung? Er bekommt die Stelle nur deshalb nicht, weil …
A man with dark skin applies for a job as a waiter in a restaurant in Germany. What is an example of discrimination? He does not get the job only because …
The correct answer is 'er eine dunkle Haut hat' (he has dark skin). Rejecting a job applicant solely because of their skin color is an example of racial discrimination, which is illegal in Germany and goes against principles of equality and fairness in the workplace.
Woraus begründet sich Deutschlands besondere Verantwortung für Israel?
What is the basis of Germany's special responsibility towards Israel?
The correct answer is 'aus den nationalsozialistischen Verbrechen gegen Juden' (from the National Socialist crimes against Jews). Germany's special responsibility towards Israel is rooted in its history, specifically the Holocaust, where millions of Jews were persecuted and murdered by the Nazi regime. This history shapes Germany's commitment to supporting Israel and ensuring such atrocities are never repeated.
Sie möchten bei einer Firma in Deutschland ihr Arbeitsverhältnis beenden. Was müssen Sie beachten?
You want to end your employment with a company in Germany. What do you have to pay attention to?
The correct answer is 'die Kündigungsfrist' (the notice period). When ending an employment relationship in Germany, both the employee and employer must observe a notice period, which is often specified in the employment contract or governed by labor laws.
Welche Organisation in einer Firma hilft den Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmern bei Problemen mit der Arbeitgeberin/dem Arbeitgeber?
Which organization in a company helps employees with problems related to the employer?
The correct answer is 'der Betriebsrat' (the works council). In Germany, the works council is an employee-elected body that represents workers' interests within a company, particularly in matters involving disputes or negotiations with the employer.