Learn: Leben in Deutschland

Question 135

Wen vertreten die Gewerkschaften in Deutschland?

  • große Unternehmen
  • kleine Unternehmen
  • Selbstständige
  • Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer
Question 135

Who do the trade unions represent in Germany?

  • large companies
  • small companies
  • self-employed
  • employees

In Germany, trade unions (Gewerkschaften) represent the interests of employees (Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer), advocating for fair wages, safe working conditions, and the protection of worker rights. They do not represent businesses or self-employed individuals.

  • What is the role of trade unions (Gewerkschaften) in Germany?
    Trade unions in Germany represent the interests of employees, advocating for better wages, working conditions, and other employment-related issues.
  • Who do trade unions in Germany represent?
    Trade unions represent employees (Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer), including both skilled and unskilled workers across various sectors.
  • Do trade unions in Germany represent companies?
    No, trade unions represent employees, not companies. They aim to protect the rights of workers.
  • Gewerkschaften: trade unions
  • große Unternehmen: large companies
  • kleine Unternehmen: small companies
  • Selbstständige: self-employed
  • Arbeitnehmer: employees

Question 134

Man will die Buslinie abschaffen, mit der Sie immer zur Arbeit fahren. Was können Sie machen, um die Buslinie zu erhalten?

  • Ich beteilige mich an einer Bürgerinitiative für die Erhaltung der Buslinie oder gründe selber eine Initiative.
  • Ich werde Mitglied in einem Sportverein und trainiere Radfahren.
  • Ich wende mich an das Finanzamt, weil ich als Steuerzahler in/Steuerzahler
  • Ich schreibe einen Brief an das Forstamt der Gemeinde.
Question 134

What can you do to preserve the bus line you always take to work?

  • I join a citizens' initiative to preserve the bus line or start an initiative myself.
  • I join a sports club and practice cycling.
  • I turn to the tax office because I am a taxpayer.
  • I write a letter to the municipal forestry office.

In Germany, if citizens want to influence local public decisions, such as preserving a bus line, they can join or create a Bürgerinitiative (citizens' initiative) to express their concerns and advocate for action. Writing to unrelated institutions like a sports club or the tax office wouldn't be effective in this context.

  • What is a Bürgerinitiative?
    A Bürgerinitiative (citizens' initiative) is a group of citizens who come together to promote a cause, often involving local public issues, such as preserving a bus line.
  • How can citizens influence decisions in their communities in Germany?
    Citizens can influence decisions by forming or joining a Bürgerinitiative, collecting petitions, and raising their concerns to local government officials.
  • Does writing to a sports club or tax office help with public transportation issues?
    No, writing to a sports club or tax office would not address public transportation issues. Citizens need to approach the appropriate local government authorities or participate in community initiatives.
  • Bürgerinitiative: citizens' initiative
  • Finanzamt: tax office
  • Forstamt: forestry office
  • Sportverein: sports club
  • Steuerzahler: taxpayer

Question 133

Was ist bei Bundestags- und Landtagswahlen in Deutschland erlaubt?

  • Der Ehemann wählt für seine Frau mit.
  • Man kann durch Briefwahl seine Stimme abgeben.
  • Man kann am Wahltag telefonisch seine Stimme abgeben.
  • Kinder ab dem Alter von 14 Jahren dürfen wählen.
Question 133

What is allowed in Bundestag and Landtag elections in Germany?

  • The husband votes on behalf of his wife.
  • You can vote by postal ballot.
  • You can vote by phone on election day.
  • Children from the age of 14 are allowed to vote.

In German elections (Bundestag and Landtag), voting by postal ballot (Briefwahl) is allowed. It ensures that citizens who cannot attend the polling station on election day can still cast their vote. Voting by phone or someone else voting on your behalf is not allowed.

  • What is Briefwahl?
    Briefwahl is the option to cast your vote by mail before election day. It is a common practice in Germany for those who cannot make it to the polling station.
  • Can someone else vote on my behalf in German elections?
    No, in Germany, each voter must cast their own vote. It is illegal for someone, even a spouse, to vote on behalf of another person.
  • Is it possible to vote by phone in Germany?
    No, voting by phone is not allowed in Germany. Voting must be done in person at a polling station or via postal ballot (Briefwahl).
  • Briefwahl: postal ballot
  • Bundestag: Federal Parliament
  • Landtag: State Parliament

Question 132

Viele Menschen in Deutschland arbeiten in ihrer Freizeit ehrenamtlich. Was bedeutet das?

  • Sie arbeiten als Soldat innen/Soldat en.
  • Sie arbeiten freiwillig und unbezahlt in Vereinen und Verbänden.
  • Sie arbeiten in der Bundesregierung.
  • Sie arbeiten in einem Krankenhaus und verdienen dabei Geld.
Question 132

Many people in Germany work voluntarily in their free time. What does this mean?

  • They work as soldiers.
  • They work voluntarily and unpaid in clubs and associations.
  • They work in the federal government.
  • They work in a hospital and earn money.

Ehrenamtliche Arbeit in Deutschland bedeutet, dass Menschen freiwillig und ohne Bezahlung in Vereinen und Verbänden tätig sind. Dies kann in verschiedenen Bereichen wie sozialen Diensten, Sportvereinen oder kulturellen Einrichtungen sein.

  • Was ist ehrenamtliche Arbeit?
    Ehrenamtliche Arbeit ist freiwillige Arbeit, die ohne Bezahlung durchgeführt wird. Menschen engagieren sich in ihrer Freizeit für gemeinnützige Zwecke oder in Vereinen, um der Gemeinschaft zu helfen.
  • Wie unterscheidet sich ehrenamtliche Arbeit von bezahlter Arbeit?
    Ehrenamtliche Arbeit ist unbezahlt und erfolgt freiwillig, während bezahlte Arbeit gegen Entgelt geleistet wird. Ehrenamtliche Arbeit wird oft in sozialen, kulturellen oder sportlichen Organisationen verrichtet.
  • ehrenamtlich: voluntary, unpaid
  • Vereine: clubs
  • Verbände: associations

Question 131

In Deutschland ist eine Bürgermeisterin /ein Bürgermeister …

  • die Leiterin/der Leiter einer Schule.
  • die Chefin /der Chef einer Bank.
  • das Oberhaupt einer Gemeinde.
  • die/der Vorsitzende einer Partei.
Question 131

In Germany, a mayor is...

  • the head of a school.
  • the head of a bank.
  • the head of a municipality.
  • the chairperson of a party.

Ein Bürgermeister in Deutschland ist das Oberhaupt einer Gemeinde oder Stadt und leitet die kommunale Verwaltung. Er oder sie ist für die Organisation und Entwicklung der Gemeinde zuständig und vertritt diese nach außen.

  • Was ist die Aufgabe eines Bürgermeisters in Deutschland?
    Der Bürgermeister ist der Leiter einer Gemeinde oder Stadt und verantwortlich für die Verwaltung, Organisation und Entwicklung der Gemeinde. Er repräsentiert die Gemeinde nach außen und führt Entscheidungen im lokalen Bereich aus.
  • Wie wird ein Bürgermeister in Deutschland gewählt?
    In Deutschland wird der Bürgermeister meist durch die Bürgerinnen und Bürger der Gemeinde gewählt. Die Wahl kann direkt oder indirekt über den Gemeinderat erfolgen, abhängig von den jeweiligen kommunalen Regelungen.
  • Oberhaupt: head
  • Gemeinde: municipality
  • Leiter: head

Question 130

Welcher Stimmzettel wäre bei einer Bundestagswahl gültig? In Anlehnung an Bundeswahlordnung (BWO), Anlage 26

Question Image
  • 1
  • 2
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  • 4
Question 130

Which ballot would be valid in a federal election? According to the Federal Election Regulations (BWO), Annex 26

Question Image
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

A valid ballot in a federal election must meet the requirements of the Federal Election Regulations. Correct marking and absence of disqualifying features are crucial for the ballot to be considered valid.

  • What is a ballot and how does it work?
    A ballot is a document that allows voters to cast their vote in an election. In a federal election, voters mark the names of candidates or parties they wish to vote for on the ballot. The completed ballot is then placed in the ballot box. The validity of the ballot is determined by specific formal requirements and guidelines set by the election regulations.
  • What is the Federal Election Regulations (BWO) and why is it important?
    The Federal Election Regulations (BWO) govern the conduct of federal elections in Germany. It includes rules for the preparation and execution of elections, including the design and requirements of ballots. The BWO ensures that elections are conducted properly and transparently, and that each vote is counted correctly.
  • How can I recognize a valid ballot?
    A valid ballot meets the requirements set by the Federal Election Regulations and does not contain any invalidating features such as illegible entries, unauthorized additions, or incomplete information. The BWO specifies criteria for how ballots must be completed and marked to be considered valid. This includes the correct number of choices and proper marking of votes.
  • Stimmzettel: ballot
  • Bundestagswahl: federal election
  • Bundeswahlordnung: Federal Election Regulations

Question 129

Vom Volk gewählt wird in Deutschland …

  • die Bundeskanzlerin/der Bundeskanzler.
  • die Ministerpräsidentin/der Ministerpräsident eines Bundeslandes.
  • der Bundestag.
  • die Bundespräsidentin/der Bundespräsident.
Question 129

The position elected by the people in Germany is …

  • the Federal Chancellor.
  • the Prime Minister of a federal state.
  • the Bundestag.
  • the Federal President.

The correct answer is 'der Bundestag' (the Bundestag). In Germany, the Bundestag is directly elected by the people, whereas the Federal President is elected by the Federal Assembly, and the Federal Chancellor is appointed by the Bundestag.

  • Who is directly elected by the people in Germany?
    The Bundestag is directly elected by the people in Germany. The Federal President is elected by the Federal Assembly, and the Federal Chancellor is appointed by the Bundestag.
  • How is the Federal Chancellor selected in Germany?
    The Federal Chancellor is appointed by the Bundestag, which is directly elected by the people. The Chancellor is not directly elected by the general public.
  • What role does the Bundestag play in German elections?
    The Bundestag is the federal parliament elected directly by the people. It plays a key role in electing the Federal Chancellor and in the legislative process.
  • Bundeskanzlerin/Bundeskanzler: Federal Chancellor
  • Ministerpräsidentin/Ministerpräsident: Prime Minister of a federal state
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet (Parliament)
  • Bundespräsidentin/Bundespräsident: Federal President

Question 128

Parlamentsmitglieder, die von den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern gewählt werden, nennt man …

  • Abgeordnete.
  • Kanzler innen/Kanzler.
  • Botschafter innen/Botschafter.
  • Ministerpräsidentinnen/Ministerpräsidenten.
Question 128

Members of Parliament who are elected by citizens are called ...

  • Members of Parliament.
  • Chancellors.
  • Ambassadors.
  • Prime Ministers of federal states.

In Germany, the term 'Abgeordnete' refers to members of Parliament who are elected by the citizens. This term is used for both federal and state parliament members who represent the interests of their constituents and participate in the legislative process.

  • What are members of Parliament called in Germany?
    In Germany, members of Parliament who are elected by the citizens are called 'Abgeordnete.' This term refers to both Bundestag members and state parliament members.
  • What is the role of a member of Parliament?
    Members of Parliament in Germany represent their constituencies, participate in the legislative process, and make decisions on laws and policies. They play a crucial role in shaping the country's legislation and governance.
  • How are members of Parliament elected in Germany?
    Members of Parliament in Germany are elected through a mixed-member proportional representation system. Voters cast two votes: one for a direct candidate in their constituency and one for a party. The total number of seats each party receives is adjusted to reflect the proportional vote shares.
  • Abgeordnete: Members of Parliament
  • Kanzler: Chancellor
  • Botschafter: Ambassador
  • Ministerpräsident: Prime Minister of a federal state

Question 127

Warum gibt es die 5% -Hürde im Wahlgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? Es gibt sie, weil …

  • die Programme von vielen kleinen Parteien viele Gemeinsamkeiten haben.
  • die Bürger innen und Bürger bei vielen kleinen Parteien die Orientierung verlieren.
  • viele kleine Parteien die Regierungsbildung erschweren.
  • die kleinen Parteien nicht so viel Geld haben, um die Politiker innen und.
Question 127

Why is there a 5% threshold in the election law of the Federal Republic of Germany? It exists because ...

  • the programs of many small parties have many similarities.
  • citizens lose orientation with many small parties.
  • many small parties make forming a government difficult.
  • small parties do not have enough money to support their politicians.

The 5% threshold in German electoral law is designed to prevent excessive fragmentation of the parliament by ensuring that only parties with a substantial level of support can enter the Bundestag. This promotes a more stable and efficient government formation.

  • What is the 5% hurdle in the German electoral law?
    The 5% hurdle, or 5% threshold, is a provision in the German electoral law that requires a party to receive at least 5% of the total vote or win at least three direct mandates to be eligible for representation in the Bundestag. This is designed to prevent fragmentation of the parliament by very small parties.
  • Why was the 5% threshold introduced?
    The 5% threshold was introduced to ensure that only parties with significant support are represented in the Bundestag. This helps to avoid excessive fragmentation and ensures a more stable and effective government formation.
  • How does the 5% threshold affect small parties?
    Small parties that do not meet the 5% threshold are not represented in the Bundestag. This can limit their influence on national politics and policy-making. However, it helps to maintain a manageable number of parties in the parliament.
  • Hürde: threshold
  • Regierungsbildung: formation of a government
  • Fragmentierung: fragmentation
  • Orientierung: orientation

Question 126

Was bekommen wahlberechtigte Bürger innen und Bürger in Deutschland vor einer Wahl?

  • eine Wahlbenachrichtigung von der Gemeinde
  • eine Wahlerlaubnis von der Bundespräsidentin/von dem Bundespräsidenten
  • eine Benachrichtigung von der Bundesversammlung
  • eine Benachrichtigung vom Pfarramt
Question 126

What do eligible voters in Germany receive before an election?

  • an election notification from the municipality
  • an election permit from the Federal President
  • a notification from the Federal Assembly
  • a notification from the parish office

Before an election in Germany, eligible voters receive a Wahlbenachrichtigung, which is an election notification sent by the local municipality. This notification informs voters of their polling station and other essential details about the voting process.

  • What is a Wahlbenachrichtigung?
    A Wahlbenachrichtigung, or election notification, is a document sent to eligible voters before an election. It provides information about the polling station, the voting date, and other essential details related to the voting process.
  • Who sends the Wahlbenachrichtigung?
    The Wahlbenachrichtigung is sent by the local municipality or city administration. It is intended to ensure that all eligible voters are informed about where and when they can vote.
  • Do I need any special permission to vote?
    No, you do not need special permission to vote. However, you must be registered to vote and will receive a Wahlbenachrichtigung that provides all the necessary details for participating in the election.
  • Wahlbenachrichtigung: election notification
  • Gemeinde: municipality
  • Wahlerlaubnis: election permit
  • Pfarramt: parish office

Question 125

In einer Demokratie ist eine Funktion von regelmäßigen Wahlen, …

  • die Bürgerinnen und Bürger zu zwingen, ihre Stimme abzugeben.
  • nach dem Willen der Wählermehrheit den Wechsel der Regierung zu ermöglichen.
  • im Land bestehende Gesetze beizubehalten.
  • den Armen mehr Macht zu geben.
Question 125

In a democracy, one function of regular elections is to enable a change of government according to the will of the majority of voters.

  • to compel citizens to cast their vote.
  • to enable a change of government according to the will of the majority of voters.
  • to maintain existing laws in the country.
  • to give more power to the poor.

In a democracy, one of the functions of regular elections is to allow for the change of government based on the will of the majority of voters. This ensures that the government remains representative of the people's preferences and can adapt to changing needs and opinions.

  • What is the role of regular elections in a democracy?
    Regular elections in a democracy serve to reflect the will of the majority of voters and enable changes in government as needed. They are a means for the electorate to choose their representatives and influence government policy.
  • Can elections force citizens to vote?
    No, in a democratic system, voting is a right and not an obligation. While it is encouraged, citizens cannot be forced to vote.
  • Do regular elections affect existing laws?
    Regular elections themselves do not directly affect existing laws. However, the results of elections can lead to changes in government, which may subsequently influence or reform laws.
  • Demokratie: democracy
  • Funktion: function
  • Wahlen: elections
  • Regierung: government
  • Wählermehrheit: majority of voters

Question 124

Die Bundestagswahl in Deutschland ist die Wahl …

  • der Bundeskanzlerin/des Bundeskanzlers.
  • der Parlamente der Länder.
  • des Parlaments für Deutschland.
  • der Bundespräsidentin/des Bundespräsidenten.
Question 124

The Bundestag election in Germany is the election of the parliament for Germany.

  • of the Federal Chancellor.
  • of the parliaments of the states.
  • of the parliament for Germany.
  • of the Federal President.

The Bundestag election in Germany is the election of the members of the Bundestag, which is the federal parliament. This election is crucial as it determines the legislative body responsible for making national laws and influencing government decisions.

  • What is the Bundestag election in Germany?
    The Bundestag election is the election of members to the Bundestag, the federal parliament of Germany. It determines the composition of the parliament, which in turn influences the formation of the government and its policies.
  • How often are Bundestag elections held?
    Bundestag elections are held every four years. The exact timing can vary, but they are scheduled regularly to ensure democratic representation.
  • Who can vote in the Bundestag elections?
    Citizens of Germany who are 18 years or older on election day are eligible to vote in Bundestag elections. This includes all registered voters in Germany.
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet (Parliament)
  • Wahl: election
  • Parlament: parliament
  • Bundeskanzler: Federal Chancellor
  • Bundespräsident: Federal President

Question 123

Was ist in Deutschland die "5% -Hürde"?

  • Abstimmungsregelung im Bundestag für kleine Parteien
  • Anwesenheitskontrolle im Bundestag für Abstimmungen
  • Mindestanteil an Wählerstimmen, um ins Parlament zu kommen
  • Anwesenheitskontrolle im Bundesrat für Abstimmungen
Question 123

In Germany, the '5% hurdle' refers to the minimum percentage of votes a party must receive to gain representation in the Bundestag.

  • Voting rule in the Bundestag for small parties
  • Attendance control in the Bundestag for votes
  • Minimum percentage of votes needed to enter the parliament
  • Attendance control in the Bundesrat for votes

In Germany, the 5% hurdle is a rule that requires political parties to obtain at least 5% of the national vote in order to gain seats in the Bundestag. This measure helps to avoid excessive fragmentation in the parliament and ensures that only parties with significant support can participate in the legislative process.

  • What is the 5% hurdle in Germany?
    The 5% hurdle is a minimum threshold of votes that a party must receive in a federal election to gain representation in the Bundestag. This rule is designed to prevent fragmentation in the parliament by limiting the number of small parties.
  • Why was the 5% hurdle introduced?
    The 5% hurdle was introduced to ensure stability and effectiveness in the German parliament by reducing the number of small parties, which could otherwise make it difficult to form a stable government and achieve clear legislative majorities.
  • Hürde: hurdle
  • Abstimmung: vote
  • Mindestanteil: minimum percentage
  • Wählerstimmen: votes
  • Parlament: parliament

Question 122

Welchem Grundsatz unterliegen Wahlen in Deutschland? Wahlen in Deutschland sind …

  • frei, gleich, geheim.
  • offen, sicher, frei.
  • geschlossen, gleich, sicher.
  • sicher, offen, freiwillig.
Question 122

In Germany, elections are based on the principles of being free, equal, and secret.

  • free, equal, secret.
  • open, secure, free.
  • closed, equal, secure.
  • secure, open, voluntary.

In Germany, elections are based on three key principles: they are free, meaning voters can choose without any external pressure; they are equal, ensuring that each vote carries the same weight; and they are secret, safeguarding the privacy of the voter's choice to prevent any undue influence or intimidation.

  • What are the fundamental principles of elections in Germany?
    Elections in Germany are governed by the principles of being free, equal, and secret. This means that every eligible voter can vote freely without coercion, each vote has equal weight, and the voting process is confidential.
  • Why are elections in Germany secret?
    The secrecy of elections ensures that voters can make their choices without fear of reprisal or pressure. This confidentiality helps to maintain the integrity of the voting process and protects voter privacy.
  • frei: free
  • gleich: equal
  • geheim: secret
  • offen: open
  • sicher: secure
  • geschlossen: closed
  • freiwillig: voluntary

Question 121

Eine Partei möchte in den Deutschen Bundestag. Sie muss aber einen Mindestanteil an Wählerstimmen haben. Das heißt …

  • 5%-Hürde.
  • Zulassungsgrenze.
  • Basiswert.
  • Richtlinie.
Question 121

A party wants to enter the German Bundestag. It must have a minimum percentage of votes. This means the party must overcome the 5% threshold.

  • 5% threshold.
  • admission limit.
  • base value.
  • guideline.

In German federal elections, the '5% threshold' is a minimum percentage of votes that a party must secure to be allocated seats in the Bundestag. This system is used to avoid a situation where many small parties with only a few seats each could create a fragmented and less effective parliament.

  • What is the '5% threshold' in German elections?
    The '5% threshold' is a rule in German elections requiring a political party to obtain at least 5% of the national vote in order to gain representation in the Bundestag. This threshold is designed to prevent very small parties from entering the parliament and to ensure more stable and effective governance.
  • Why does Germany have a 5% threshold for parties?
    The 5% threshold helps to maintain the stability and functionality of the parliament by reducing the number of very small parties that could lead to fragmented and less effective governance. It encourages parties to form broader coalitions and achieve a significant level of support before gaining seats.
  • 5%-Hürde: 5% threshold
  • Zulassungsgrenze: admission limit
  • Basiswert: base value
  • Richtlinie: guideline
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