Das Wahlsystem in Deutschland ist ein …
The electoral system in Germany is a majoritarian and proportional voting system.
Germany's electoral system combines majoritarian and proportional voting. Voters cast two votes: one for a candidate in their constituency and another for a party. The system ensures that the composition of the Bundestag reflects both the individual constituencies and the overall party support nationwide.
Wahlen in Deutschland sind frei. Was bedeutet das?
Elections in Germany are free. What does this mean?
In Germany, the principle of 'free' elections means that every eligible voter has the right to make their own choice about voting without any external pressure or compulsion. This ensures that the democratic process is conducted fairly and that individuals can freely express their political preferences.
Wer darf bei den rund 40 jüdischen Makkabi-Sportvereinen Mitglied werden?
Who can become a member of the approximately 40 Jewish Maccabi sports clubs?
The Jewish Maccabi sports clubs are inclusive organizations that welcome all individuals, regardless of their nationality or religious affiliation. They aim to bring people together through sports and celebrate Jewish culture and identity.
Wie viel Prozent der Zweitstimmen müssen Parteien mindestens bekommen, um in den Deutschen Bundestag gewählt zu werden?
What percentage of the second votes must parties receive to be elected to the German Bundestag?
In German federal elections, a party must receive at least 5% of the second votes to gain representation in the Bundestag. This threshold helps to limit the number of very small parties in the parliament and promotes more stable and effective governance.
Wenn Sie bei einer Bundestagswahl in Deutschland wählen dürfen, heißt das …
If you are allowed to vote in a Bundestag election in Germany, it means you have ...
In Germany, if you have the right to vote in a Bundestag election, it means you possess 'aktives Wahlrecht,' or active voting rights. This allows you to participate in electing representatives to the federal parliament.
Was bedeutet "aktives Wahlrecht" in Deutschland?
What does 'active voting right' mean in Germany?
In Germany, 'aktives Wahlrecht' (active voting right) means that citizens have the right to vote in elections. This allows individuals to participate in the democratic process by choosing their representatives.
An demokratischen Wahlen in Deutschland teilzunehmen ist …
Participating in democratic elections in Germany is...
In Germany, participating in democratic elections is considered a right rather than a duty. This means that while citizens are encouraged to vote and have the opportunity to express their views, there is no legal requirement to participate in elections.
Wahlen in Deutschland gewinnt die Partei, die …
In Germany, the party that wins the election is the one that...
In Germany, elections are won by the party that receives the most votes. This principle applies to both the direct election of representatives in constituencies and the overall allocation of seats in the parliament based on proportional representation.
Die Wahlen in Deutschland sind …
Elections in Germany are ...
In Germany, elections are conducted in a secret manner. This means that each voter's choice is confidential, ensuring that their vote is cast privately and without external pressure.
Welche Handlung mit Bezug auf den Staat Israel ist in Deutschland verboten?
Which action related to the State of Israel is prohibited in Germany?
In Germany, public calls for the destruction of Israel are prohibited. This law aims to prevent antisemitic acts and protect the democratic values of the country, ensuring that expressions that incite hatred or violence against Israel are not tolerated.
Für wie viele Jahre wird der Bundestag in Deutschland gewählt?
For how many years is the Bundestag elected in Germany?
In Germany, the Bundestag is elected for a term of four years. This period allows the Bundestag to carry out its legislative responsibilities and conduct the nation's business before new elections are held.
Wie oft gibt es normalerweise Bundestagswahlen in Deutschland?
How often are Bundestag elections held in Germany?
Bundestagswahlen in Deutschland finden alle vier Jahre statt. Diese Regelmäßigkeit ermöglicht eine regelmäßige Erneuerung der Abgeordneten und eine Überprüfung der politischen Ausrichtung der Regierung.
Bei einer Bundestagswahl in Deutschland darf jede/jeder wählen, die/der …
In a Bundestag election in Germany, anyone who … is allowed to vote.
In Deutschland darf jeder wählen, der die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft besitzt und mindestens 18 Jahre alt ist. Dies gewährleistet, dass alle volljährigen Bürger die Möglichkeit haben, an den Bundestagswahlen teilzunehmen.
Für wie viele Jahre wird der Bundestag in Deutschland gewählt?
For how many years is the Bundestag elected in Germany?
In Deutschland wird der Bundestag alle 4 Jahre gewählt. Dies stellt sicher, dass regelmäßig eine neue Wahl stattfindet, um die politische Vertretung der Bürger im Parlament zu erneuern.
In Deutschland helfen ehrenamtliche Wahlhelferinnen und Wahlhelfer bei den Wahlen. Was ist eine Aufgabe von Wahlhelferinnen/Wahlhelfern?
In Germany, volunteer election helpers assist with elections. What is one of the tasks of election helpers?
Wahlhelferinnen und Wahlhelfer spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Durchführung von Wahlen. Ihre Hauptaufgabe ist es, nach dem Ende der Wahl die Stimmen zu zählen, um ein genaues Wahlergebnis sicherzustellen.