Was ist eine Aufgabe von Wahlhelferinnen/Wahlhelfern in Deutschland?
What is one of the tasks of election helpers in Germany?
In Germany, one of the main tasks of election helpers is to count the votes after the election ends. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the voting process is conducted accurately and efficiently.
Eine Frau in Deutschland verliert ihre Arbeit. Was darf nicht der Grund für diese Entlassung sein?
A woman in Germany loses her job. What cannot be the reason for this dismissal?
In Germany, it is illegal to fire a woman solely because she is pregnant. Employment protection laws ensure that pregnancy and maternity are not grounds for dismissal. Other reasons, such as frequent lateness or handling personal matters during work hours, may be valid grounds for dismissal, but pregnancy is protected.
Was wird in Deutschland als "Ampelkoalition" bezeichnet? Die Zusammenarbeit …
What is referred to in Germany as the "Ampelkoalition"? The collaboration of...
In Germany, the term "Ampelkoalition" refers to a coalition government consisting of the SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany), FDP (Free Democratic Party), and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens). The name "Ampel" (traffic light) is derived from the party colors: red (SPD), yellow (FDP), and green (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen).
Womit kann man in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland geehrt werden, wenn man auf politischem, wirtschaftlichem, kulturellem, geistigem oder sozialem Gebiet eine besondere Leistung erbracht hat? Mit dem …
What can you be honored with in the Federal Republic of Germany if you have made a special contribution in political, economic, cultural, intellectual, or social fields? The ...
In Germany, the 'Bundesverdienstkreuz' (Federal Cross of Merit) is awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions in political, economic, cultural, intellectual, or social fields. It is one of the highest honors and recognizes exceptional achievements and service.
Gewerkschaften sind Interessenverbände der …
Trade unions are interest groups of the …
In Germany, trade unions (Gewerkschaften) are interest groups that represent the rights and interests of employees. They play a key role in negotiating working conditions, salaries, and other employment-related issues on behalf of their members.
Was gehört nicht zur gesetzlichen Sozialversicherung?
Which of the following does not belong to statutory social insurance?
In Germany, statutory social insurance covers pension, unemployment, and long-term care needs. Life insurance is not included as it is a separate, private financial product.
Wer bezahlt in Deutschland die Sozialversicherungen?
Who pays for social insurance in Germany?
In Germany, the responsibility for paying social insurance contributions is shared between employers and employees. This system ensures that both parties contribute to the financial support provided through various insurance schemes.
Wenn Abgeordnete im Deutschen Bundestag ihre Fraktion wechseln, …
When members of the Bundestag switch factions, ...
In the Bundestag, when representatives switch factions, it can lead to a shift in the parliamentary majority. This is because the majority is based on the number of seats held by each faction, and changes can influence the overall balance of power within the government.
Was bezahlt man in Deutschland automatisch, wenn man fest angestellt ist?
What is automatically paid in Germany if you are employed?
In Germany, when you are employed, social insurance contributions are automatically deducted from your salary. This system ensures coverage for health, pensions, unemployment, and long-term care, providing essential support and protection for employees.
Wie kann jemand, der den Holocaust leugnet, bestraft werden?
How can someone who denies the Holocaust be punished?
In Germany, Holocaust denial is a serious offense. The law provides for imprisonment of up to five years or a fine to prevent the spread of misinformation and to honor the victims of the Holocaust. This reflects Germany's commitment to confronting anti-Semitism and preserving historical truth.
Was gilt für die meisten Kinder in Deutschland?
What applies to most children in Germany?
In Germany, most children are subject to compulsory education (Schulpflicht), which mandates that they attend school for a specific period. This helps ensure that all children receive a basic education.
Ab welchem Alter darf man in Deutschland an der Wahl zum Deutschen Bundestag teilnehmen?
At what age can one participate in the election to the German Bundestag in Germany?
In Germany, individuals must be at least 18 years old to participate in federal elections to the Bundestag. This voting age ensures that voters have reached adulthood and are considered mature enough to make electoral decisions.
Je mehr "Zweitstimmen" eine Partei bei einer Bundestagswahl bekommt, desto …
The more "second votes" a party receives in a Bundestag election, the …
In Germany, the number of second votes a party receives directly influences the number of seats it gets in the Bundestag. More second votes mean more seats in parliament, reflecting the party's proportion of support among voters.
Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CSU in Deutschland?
What does the abbreviation CSU mean in Germany?
CSU stands for 'Christlich-Soziale Union' (Christian Social Union) in Germany. It is a significant conservative political party in Bavaria and plays a key role in German politics, especially in coalition governments with the CDU.
In Deutschland kann ein Regierungswechsel in einem Bundesland Auswirkungen auf die Bundespolitik haben. Das Regieren wird …
In Germany, a change in government in a federal state can have an impact on federal politics. Governing becomes …
In Germany, a change in government at the state level can impact federal politics, especially if it alters the majority in the Bundesrat. This can make it more challenging for the federal government to pass legislation or implement policies.