Learn: Leben in Deutschland

Question 90

Die deutschen Bundesländer wirken an der Gesetzgebung des Bundes mit durch …

  • den Bundesrat.
  • die Bundesversammlung.
  • den Bundestag.
  • die Bundesregierung.
Question 90

The German federal states participate in federal legislation through …

  • the Bundesrat.
  • the Federal Assembly.
  • the Bundestag.
  • the Federal Government.

The Bundesrat is the body through which the German federal states (Länder) participate in federal legislation. It allows the states to have a say in laws and policies that affect them.

  • What is the Bundesrat and what role does it play?
    The Bundesrat is the federal council in Germany that represents the states (Länder). It plays a key role in federal legislation by reviewing and approving laws that affect state interests.
  • How do the German states participate in federal legislation?
    German states participate in federal legislation through the Bundesrat, where they can influence and vote on federal laws, especially those impacting state responsibilities and interests.
  • Bundesrat: Federal Council
  • Bundesversammlung: Federal Assembly
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet
  • Bundesregierung: Federal Government
  • Gesetzgebung: legislation
  • mitwirken: contribute, take part

Question 89

Wie nennt man in Deutschland die Vereinigung von Abgeordneten einer Partei im Parlament?

  • Verband
  • Ältestenrat
  • Fraktion
  • Opposition
Question 89

In Germany, the association of members of a party in Parliament is called a …

  • association
  • Council of Elders
  • faction
  • opposition

In Germany, the term 'Fraktion' refers to the grouping of members of a political party within the Parliament. This group works collectively to influence legislative processes and decisions.

  • What is a 'Fraktion' in the German Parliament?
    In the German Parliament, a 'Fraktion' (faction) is a group of members from the same political party who work together and coordinate their actions and voting in Parliament.
  • How does a faction influence parliamentary decisions?
    A faction in the German Parliament influences decisions by presenting a united front on legislative issues, negotiating with other factions, and coordinating votes to support or oppose proposed laws.
  • Fraktion: faction
  • Verband: association
  • Ältestenrat: Council of Elders
  • Opposition: opposition
  • Vereinigung: federation

Question 88

Die parlamentarische Opposition im Deutschen Bundestag …

  • kontrolliert die Regierung.
  • entscheidet, wer Bundesministerin/Bundesminister wird.
  • bestimmt, wer im Bundesrat sitzt.
  • schlägt die Regierungschefin/Regierungschef der Länder vor.
Question 88

The parliamentary opposition in the German Bundestag …

  • controls the government.
  • decides who becomes Federal Minister.
  • determines who sits in the Bundesrat.
  • proposes the heads of government of the states.

In the German Bundestag, the parliamentary opposition is responsible for controlling and scrutinizing the government's actions. They provide alternative views and hold the government accountable.

  • What role does the parliamentary opposition play in the Bundestag?
    The parliamentary opposition in the Bundestag plays a critical role in controlling the government by questioning its actions, proposing alternative policies, and holding the government accountable.
  • How does the opposition influence German federal politics?
    The opposition influences federal politics by challenging the government’s policies, participating in debates, and offering alternative proposals. They also hold the government accountable for its decisions and actions.
  • parlamentarische Opposition: parliamentary opposition
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet
  • Bundesrat: Federal Council
  • Bundesministerin/Bundesminister: Federal Minister

Question 87

Wer ist das Staatsoberhaupt der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?

  • die Bundeskanzlerin/der Bundeskanzler
  • die Bundespräsidentin/der Bundespräsident
  • die Bundesratspräsidentin/der Bundesratspräsident
  • die Bundestagspräsidentin/der Bundestagspräsident
Question 87

Who is the head of state of the Federal Republic of Germany?

  • the Chancellor
  • the Federal President
  • the President of the Bundesrat
  • the President of the Bundestag

In Germany, the Federal President (Bundespräsident) is the head of state. This position is largely ceremonial, with the Federal President representing Germany and performing official duties.

  • Who is the Federal President of Germany?
    The Federal President of Germany is the head of state. The role is largely ceremonial, with responsibilities including representing Germany internationally and signing laws into effect.
  • What are the main duties of the Federal President in Germany?
    The Federal President's duties include appointing the Chancellor, representing Germany at official events, signing bills into law, and performing other ceremonial functions.
  • Bundeskanzlerin/Bundeskanzler: Chancellor
  • Bundespräsidentin/Bundespräsident: Federal President
  • Bundesratspräsidentin/Bundesratspräsident: President of the Bundesrat
  • Bundestagspräsidentin/Bundestagspräsident: President of the Bundestag

Question 86

Wer wählt in Deutschland die Bundespräsidentin/den Bundespräsidenten?

  • die Bundesversammlung
  • der Bundesrat
  • das Bundesparlament
  • das Bundesverfassungsgericht
Question 86

Who elects the Federal President in Germany?

  • the Federal Assembly
  • the Federal Council
  • the Federal Parliament
  • the Federal Constitutional Court

In Germany, the Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung) elects the Federal President. This assembly is composed of members of the Bundestag and representatives from the federal states.

  • Who elects the Federal President of Germany?
    The Federal President of Germany is elected by the Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung), which is a special body convened specifically for this purpose. The Federal Assembly consists of members of the Bundestag and representatives from the federal states.
  • What is the role of the Federal Assembly in Germany?
    The Federal Assembly is responsible for electing the Federal President. It is composed of members of the Bundestag and representatives from the federal states, and its role is to carry out this specific constitutional duty.
  • Bundesversammlung: Federal Assembly
  • Bundesrat: Federal Council
  • Bundesparlament: Federal Parliament
  • Bundesverfassungsgericht: Federal Constitutional Court

Question 85

Wer bildet den deutschen Bundesrat?

  • die Abgeordneten des Bundestages
  • die Ministerinnen und Minister der Bundesregierung
  • die Regierungsvertreter der Bundesländer
  • die Parteimitglieder
Question 85

Who forms the German Bundesrat?

  • the members of the Bundestag
  • the ministers of the federal government
  • the representatives of the federal states
  • the party members

The Bundesrat is made up of representatives from the German federal states (Bundesländer). These representatives play a key role in the legislative process by participating in discussions and decision-making on federal laws.

  • Who forms the German Bundesrat?
    The German Bundesrat is formed by representatives of the federal states (Bundesländer). Each state sends representatives to the Bundesrat, who participate in federal legislation and policy-making.
  • What is the role of the Bundesrat in Germany?
    The Bundesrat represents the interests of the federal states at the federal level. It participates in the legislative process, especially in areas that affect the states, and has the power to veto certain types of legislation.
  • Bundesrat: Federal Council
  • Abgeordnete des Bundestages: members of the Bundestag
  • Ministerinnen und Minister der Bundesregierung: ministers of the federal government
  • Regierungsvertreter der Bundesländer: representatives of the federal states
  • Parteimitglieder: party members

Question 84

Welche Hauptaufgabe hat die deutsche Bundespräsidentin/der deutsche Bundespräsident? Sie/Er …

  • regiert das Land.
  • entwirft die Gesetze.
  • repräsentiert das Land.
  • überwacht die Einhaltung der Gesetze.
Question 84

What is the primary role of the Federal President of Germany?

  • rules the country
  • drafts the laws
  • represents the country
  • oversees the enforcement of laws

The main role of the Federal President of Germany is to represent the country. While the President has some formal duties such as signing laws and appointing the Chancellor, most executive powers are held by the Chancellor and the federal government.

  • What is the primary role of the Federal President of Germany?
    The primary role of the Federal President of Germany is to represent the country both domestically and internationally. The President carries out ceremonial duties, signs laws into effect, and represents Germany at official functions.
  • What powers does the Federal President have?
    The Federal President has limited executive powers but significant symbolic and representative duties. These include appointing the Chancellor, signing bills into law, and representing Germany in international affairs.
  • How is the Federal President of Germany elected?
    The Federal President is elected by the Federal Assembly, which consists of members of the Bundestag and representatives from the federal states. The election takes place every five years.
  • Bundespräsident: Federal President
  • repräsentieren: to represent
  • Gesetze: laws
  • überwachen: to oversee
  • Regierung: government
  • ceremonial: zeremoniell

Question 83

Wer wählt die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin/den deutschen Bundeskanzler?

  • das Volk
  • die Bundesversammlung
  • der Bundestag
  • die Bundesregierung
Question 83

Who elects the Chancellor of Germany?

  • the people
  • the Federal Assembly
  • the Bundestag
  • the Federal Government

In Germany, the Chancellor is elected by the Bundestag, which is the federal parliament. This election happens after federal elections, where members of the Bundestag vote for the Chancellor from among themselves.

  • Who elects the Chancellor of Germany?
    The Chancellor of Germany is elected by the Bundestag, which is the federal parliament of Germany. The election takes place after federal elections, where the members of the Bundestag select the Chancellor from among their own members.
  • What is the role of the Bundestag in Germany?
    The Bundestag is the federal parliament and plays a central role in German politics. It is responsible for passing laws, approving the federal budget, and electing the Chancellor. It represents the people of Germany and scrutinizes the work of the government.
  • How often are elections held for the Bundestag?
    Elections for the Bundestag are held every four years. The members of the Bundestag are elected by German citizens in general elections, and these elections determine the composition of the parliament and the selection of the Chancellor.
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet
  • Bundesversammlung: Federal Assembly
  • Bundesregierung: Federal Government
  • das Volk: the people
  • Wahl: election
  • Kanzler: Chancellor

Question 82

Wer leitet das deutsche Bundeskabinett?

  • die Bundestagspräsidentin/der Bundestagspräsident
  • die Bundespräsidentin/der Bundespräsident
  • die Bundesratspräsidentin/der Bundesratspräsident
  • die Bundeskanzlerin/der Bundeskanzler
Question 82

Who leads the German Federal Cabinet?

  • the President of the Bundestag
  • the Federal President
  • the President of the Federal Council
  • the Federal Chancellor

In Germany, the Federal Chancellor leads the Federal Cabinet. The Chancellor has significant authority in setting government policy and representing Germany, both within and outside the country.

  • Who leads the German Federal Cabinet?
    The German Federal Cabinet is led by the Federal Chancellor. The Chancellor sets government policy, represents Germany domestically and internationally, and oversees the executive branch of the government.
  • What is the role of the Federal Chancellor in Germany?
    The Federal Chancellor is the head of government and is responsible for running the government, setting policies, and making decisions on domestic and international issues. The Chancellor is appointed by the Bundestag.
  • How is the Federal Chancellor appointed?
    The Federal Chancellor is appointed by the Bundestag. After federal elections, the Chancellor is elected from among the members of the Bundestag by a majority vote.
  • Bundeskabinett: Federal Cabinet
  • Bundeskanzler: Federal Chancellor
  • Bundespräsident: Federal President
  • Bundestagspräsident: President of the Bundestag
  • Bundesratspräsident: President of the Federal Council
  • Leitung: leadership

Question 81

Wer wählt die Bundeskanzlerin/den Bundeskanzler in Deutschland?

  • der Bundesrat
  • die Bundesversammlung
  • das Volk
  • der Bundestag
Question 81

Who elects the Chancellor of Germany?

  • the Federal Council
  • the Federal Assembly
  • the people
  • the Bundestag

In Germany, the Chancellor is elected by the Bundestag, the federal parliament. This process occurs after federal elections, where members of the Bundestag vote for the Chancellor from among themselves.

  • Who elects the Chancellor of Germany?
    The Chancellor of Germany is elected by the Bundestag, the federal parliament. The election occurs after federal elections, where members of the Bundestag select the Chancellor from among their own members.
  • What is the role of the Bundestag in Germany?
    The Bundestag is the federal parliament and plays a central role in German politics. It is responsible for enacting laws, approving the budget, and electing the Chancellor. It represents the German people and scrutinizes the work of the government.
  • How often are Bundestag elections held?
    Bundestag elections are held every four years. German citizens vote for their representatives in the Bundestag, which then influences the selection of the Chancellor.
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet
  • Bundesrat: Federal Council
  • Bundesversammlung: Federal Assembly
  • das Volk: the people
  • Kanzler: Chancellor
  • Wahl: election

Question 80

Welches Gericht in Deutschland ist zuständig für die Auslegung des Grundgesetzes?

  • Oberlandesgericht
  • Amtsgericht
  • Bundesverfassungsgericht
  • Verwaltungsgericht
Question 80

Which court in Germany is responsible for interpreting the Basic Law?

  • Higher Regional Court
  • Local Court
  • Federal Constitutional Court
  • Administrative Court

The Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) is responsible for interpreting Germany's Basic Law (Grundgesetz). It ensures that all laws and government actions align with the constitution and protects fundamental rights.

  • Which court in Germany is responsible for interpreting the Basic Law?
    The Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) is responsible for interpreting the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) in Germany. It ensures that laws and government actions comply with the constitution.
  • What is the role of the Federal Constitutional Court?
    The Federal Constitutional Court safeguards the constitutionality of laws and protects fundamental rights. It resolves disputes between state institutions and handles constitutional complaints from citizens.
  • How are judges appointed to the Federal Constitutional Court?
    Judges of the Federal Constitutional Court are appointed by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. They serve for a term of 12 years and must be qualified legal experts with significant experience.
  • Bundesverfassungsgericht: Federal Constitutional Court
  • Grundgesetz: Basic Law
  • Oberlandesgericht: Higher Regional Court
  • Amtsgericht: Local Court
  • Verwaltungsgericht: Administrative Court
  • Verfassung: Constitution

Question 79

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung FDP in Deutschland?

  • Friedliche Demonstrative Partei
  • Freie Deutschland Partei
  • Führende Demokratische Partei
  • Freie Demokratische Partei
Question 79

What does the abbreviation FDP stand for in Germany?

  • Peaceful Demonstrative Party
  • Free Germany Party
  • Leading Democratic Party
  • Free Democratic Party

The abbreviation FDP stands for 'Freie Demokratische Partei,' which translates to 'Free Democratic Party.' It is a prominent liberal party in Germany focused on individual freedom and economic liberalism.

  • What does the abbreviation FDP stand for in Germany?
    In Germany, FDP stands for 'Freie Demokratische Partei,' which translates to 'Free Democratic Party.' It is a liberal political party in Germany.
  • What are the main principles of the FDP?
    The FDP advocates for individual freedoms, economic liberalism, and minimal government intervention in personal and economic matters. The party emphasizes personal responsibility, free markets, and civil liberties.
  • What role does the FDP play in German politics?
    The FDP plays a significant role in German politics as a center-right party. It participates in federal and state governments, often forming coalitions with other parties to influence legislation and policy.
  • FDP: Free Democratic Party
  • Freie: Free
  • Demokratische: Democratic
  • Partei: Party
  • Liberalismus: Liberalism
  • Politik: Politics

Question 78

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung SPD?

  • Sozialistische Partei Deutschlands
  • Sozialpolitische Partei Deutschlands
  • Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
  • Sozialgerechte Partei Deutschlands
Question 78

What does the abbreviation SPD mean?

  • Socialist Party of Germany
  • Social Political Party of Germany
  • Social Democratic Party of Germany
  • Social Justice Party of Germany

The SPD, or Social Democratic Party of Germany, is a major political party in Germany focused on social democracy, social justice, and economic equality.

  • What does SPD stand for?
    SPD stands for 'Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands,' which translates to 'Social Democratic Party of Germany.' It is a major political party in Germany with a focus on social democracy.
  • What are the core values of the SPD?
    The SPD values social justice, economic equality, and workers' rights. It advocates for progressive policies, social welfare, and equal opportunities for all citizens.
  • What role does the SPD play in German politics?
    The SPD plays a significant role in German politics as one of the major political parties. It participates in federal and state governments, often shaping policy on social and economic issues.
  • SPD: Social Democratic Party of Germany
  • Sozialistische: Socialist
  • Parte: Party
  • Demokratische: Democratic
  • Deutschland: Germany
  • Sozial: Social

Question 77

Was ist die Bundeswehr?

  • die deutsche Polizei
  • ein deutscher Hafen
  • eine deutsche Bürgerinitiative
  • die deutsche Armee
Question 77

What is the Bundeswehr?

  • the German police
  • a German port
  • a German citizens' initiative
  • the German army

The Bundeswehr is Germany's national military, comprising the army, navy, and air force. It is responsible for defending the country and participating in international military operations.

  • What is the Bundeswehr?
    The Bundeswehr is the unified armed forces of Germany, including the army, navy, and air force. It is responsible for national defense and military operations.
  • What are the main branches of the Bundeswehr?
    The Bundeswehr consists of the Army (Heer), Navy (Marine), and Air Force (Luftwaffe). Each branch has its specific roles and responsibilities in national defense.
  • How is the Bundeswehr funded?
    The Bundeswehr is funded by the German federal government through the defense budget. This budget covers personnel, equipment, operations, and other military expenditures.
  • Bundeswehr: German armed forces
  • Armee: army
  • Polizei: police
  • Hafen: port
  • Bürgerinitiative: citizens' initiative
  • Militär: military

Question 76

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung CDU in Deutschland?

  • Christliche Deutsche Union
  • Club Deutscher Unternehmer
  • Christlicher Deutscher Umweltschutz
  • Christlich Demokratische Union
Question 76

What does the abbreviation CDU mean?

  • Christian German Union
  • Club of German Entrepreneurs
  • Christian German Environmental Protection
  • Christian Democratic Union

The CDU, or Christian Democratic Union, is a major center-right political party in Germany. It promotes conservative and Christian-democratic values.

  • What does CDU stand for?
    CDU stands for 'Christlich Demokratische Union,' which translates to 'Christian Democratic Union.' It is one of Germany's major political parties.
  • What are the core values of the CDU?
    The CDU values Christian-democratic principles, promoting social market economy, conservative social policies, and a strong European integration.
  • Who is the leader of the CDU?
    As of 2024, the leader of the CDU is Friedrich Merz. The party leadership can change based on internal elections and political circumstances.
  • CDU: Christian Democratic Union
  • Christlich: Christian
  • Demokratische: Democratic
  • Union: Union
  • Politische: Political
  • Partei: Party
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