Learn: Leben in Deutschland

Question 75

Wie heißt Deutschlands heutiges Staatsoberhaupt?

  • Frank-Walter Steinmeier
  • Bärbel Bas
  • Bodo Ramelow
  • Joachim Gauck
Question 75

What is the name of Germany's current head of state?

  • Frank-Walter Steinmeier
  • Bärbel Bas
  • Bodo Ramelow
  • Joachim Gauck

Frank-Walter Steinmeier is the current President of Germany, serving as the head of state. His role is primarily ceremonial, representing Germany at home and abroad.

  • Who is the current President of Germany?
    The current President of Germany is Frank-Walter Steinmeier. He has been in office since March 19, 2017.
  • What are the responsibilities of the German President?
    The German President represents the country at official functions, signs bills into law, and appoints federal judges and officials. The role is largely ceremonial, with most executive power vested in the Chancellor.
  • How is the German President elected?
    The German President is elected by the Federal Assembly, which consists of members of the Bundestag and representatives from the federal states. The election takes place every five years.
  • Staatsoberhaupt: head of state
  • Präsident: President

Question 74

Wie heißt das Parlament für ganz Deutschland?

  • Bundesversammlung
  • Volkskammer
  • Bundestag
  • Bundesgerichtshof
Question 74

What is the name of the parliament for all of Germany?

  • Federal Assembly
  • People's Chamber
  • Federal Diet
  • Federal Court of Justice

The Bundestag is the main legislative body in Germany, responsible for creating laws and overseeing the government. It is elected by the German people and represents their interests at the national level.

  • What is the name of Germany's federal parliament?
    The name of Germany's federal parliament is the Bundestag.
  • What is the role of the Bundestag?
    The Bundestag is responsible for passing federal laws, debating national policies, and representing the German people.
  • How is the Bundestag elected?
    Members of the Bundestag are elected every four years through a mixed-member proportional representation system, combining direct and party-list votes.
  • Parlament: parliament
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet
  • Bundesversammlung: Federal Assembly
  • Volkskammer: People's Chamber
  • Bundesgerichtshof: Federal Court of Justice
  • Gesetz: law

Question 73

Die beiden größten Fraktionen im Deutschen Bundestag heißen zurzeit …

  • CDU/CSU und SPD.
  • Die Linke und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen.
  • FDP und SPD.
  • Die Linke und FDP.
Question 73

What are the two largest factions in the German Bundestag currently?

  • CDU/CSU and SPD.
  • The Left and Alliance 90/The Greens.
  • FDP and SPD.
  • The Left and FDP.

The CDU/CSU (Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union) and the SPD (Social Democratic Party) are the largest political factions in the Bundestag, reflecting the main center-right and center-left forces in German politics.

  • What are the two largest factions in the German Bundestag currently?
    As of now, the two largest factions in the German Bundestag are CDU/CSU and SPD.
  • What does CDU/CSU stand for?
    CDU stands for Christian Democratic Union, and CSU stands for Christian Social Union. They form a joint faction in the Bundestag.
  • What is the role of the SPD in German politics?
    The SPD, or Social Democratic Party of Germany, is a major center-left political party advocating for social justice, workers' rights, and progressive policies.
  • Fraktion: faction
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet
  • CDU: Christian Democratic Union
  • CSU: Christian Social Union
  • SPD: Social Democratic Party
  • Linke: The Left

Question 72

Wie heißt der jetzige Bundeskanzler/die jetzige Bundeskanzlerin von Deutschland?

  • Gerhard Schröder
  • Angela Merkel
  • Franziska Giffey
  • Olaf Scholz
Question 72

What is the name of the current Chancellor of Germany?

  • Gerhard Schröder
  • Angela Merkel
  • Franziska Giffey
  • Olaf Scholz

Olaf Scholz is the current German Chancellor, succeeding Angela Merkel. The Chancellor leads the executive branch of the federal government and is central to German politics.

  • Who is the current Chancellor of Germany?
    As of now, the current Chancellor of Germany is Olaf Scholz.
  • Who was Angela Merkel?
    Angela Merkel was the Chancellor of Germany before Olaf Scholz, serving from 2005 to 2021.
  • What are some key responsibilities of the German Chancellor?
    The German Chancellor is responsible for leading the federal government, setting government policy, and representing Germany both domestically and internationally.
  • Bundeskanzler: Federal Chancellor
  • Politik: politics

Question 71

Wo hält sich die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin/der deutsche Bundeskanzler am häufigsten auf? Am häufigsten ist sie/er …

  • in Bonn, weil sich dort das Bundeskanzleramt und der Bundestag befinden.
  • auf Schloss Meseberg, dem Gästehaus der Bundesregierung, um Staatsgäste zu empfangen.
  • auf Schloss Bellevue, dem Amtssitz der Bundespräsidentin/des Bundespräsidenten.
  • in Berlin, weil sich dort das Bundeskanzleramt und der Bundestag befinden.
Question 71

Where does the German Chancellor most frequently stay? The Chancellor most often is …

  • in Bonn, because the Federal Chancellery and Bundestag are located there.
  • at Schloss Meseberg, the government guesthouse, to host state guests.
  • at Schloss Bellevue, the official residence of the Federal President.
  • in Berlin, because the Federal Chancellery and Bundestag are located there.

The German Chancellor primarily operates out of Berlin, where both the Federal Chancellery and Bundestag are situated. This central location is essential for the daily functions of the German government.

  • Where does the German Chancellor most frequently reside?
    The German Chancellor most frequently resides in Berlin, where the Federal Chancellery and Bundestag are located.
  • What is the Bundeskanzleramt?
    The Bundeskanzleramt, or Federal Chancellery, is the executive office of the German Chancellor located in Berlin.
  • Where is Schloss Bellevue and what is its significance?
    Schloss Bellevue is the official residence of the Federal President of Germany, located in Berlin.
  • Bundeskanzleramt: Federal Chancellery
  • Bundestag: Federal Diet
  • Schloss: Palace
  • Staatsgäste: state guests
  • Amtssitz: official residence

Question 70

Der deutsche Bundespräsident Gustav Heinemann gibt Helmut Schmidt 1974 die Ernennungsurkunde zum deutschen Bundeskanzler. Was gehört zu den Aufgaben der deutschen Bundespräsidentin/des deutschen Bundespräsidenten?

Question Image
  • Sie/Er führt die Regierungsgeschäfte.
  • Sie/Er kontrolliert die Regierungspartei.
  • Sie/Er wählt die Ministerinnen/Minister aus.
  • Sie/Er schlägt die Kanzlerin/den Kanzler zur Wahl vor.
Question 70

German Federal President Gustav Heinemann gave Helmut Schmidt the appointment certificate as Chancellor in 1974. What are the duties of the German Federal President?

Question Image
  • She/He manages the government business.
  • She/He controls the ruling party.
  • She/He selects the ministers.
  • She/He proposes the Chancellor for election.

The primary role of the German Federal President includes proposing the Chancellor for election and performing ceremonial duties. The President does not manage government operations or select ministers directly.

  • What are the responsibilities of the German Federal President?
    The German Federal President proposes the Chancellor for election and represents the country at a ceremonial level.
  • Who was Gustav Heinemann?
    Gustav Heinemann was the President of Germany who appointed Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor in 1974.
  • What role does the German Federal President play in government appointments?
    The Federal President appoints the Chancellor and, upon the Chancellor's proposal, appoints federal ministers.
  • Bundespräsident: Federal President
  • Ernennungsurkunde: Certificate of Appointment
  • Regierungsgeschäfte: Government business
  • Regierungspartei: Ruling party
  • Ministerinnen/Minister: Ministers
  • Kanzler: Chancellor

Question 69

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat einen dreistufigen Verwaltungsaufbau. Wie heißt die unterste politische Stufe?

  • Stadträte
  • Landräte
  • Gemeinden
  • Bezirksämter
Question 69

Germany has a three-tier administrative structure. What is the lowest political level?

  • City Councillors
  • District Administrators
  • Municipalities
  • District Offices

In Germany's three-tier administrative system, municipalities (Gemeinden) are the lowest level, responsible for local governance and community services.

  • What is the lowest administrative level in Germany?
    The lowest administrative level in Germany is the municipalities (Gemeinden).
  • What are municipalities responsible for?
    Municipalities handle local administration, including public services, urban planning, and community affairs.
  • What are Landräte and Stadträte?
    Landräte are district administrators who manage rural districts, while Stadträte are city councillors who manage urban areas.
  • Gemeinden: Municipalities
  • Stadträte: City Councillors
  • Landräte: District Administrators
  • Bezirksämter: District Offices
  • Verwaltungsaufbau: Administrative structure
  • politische Stufe: political level

Question 68

Warum kontrolliert der Staat in Deutschland das Schulwesen?

  • weil es in Deutschland nur staatliche Schulen gibt
  • weil alle Schülerinnen und Schüler einen Schulabschluss haben müssen
  • weil es in den Bundesländern verschiedene Schulen gibt
  • weil es nach dem Grundgesetz seine Aufgabe ist
Question 68

Why does the state control the education system in Germany?

  • because there are only state schools in Germany
  • because all students must have a school diploma
  • because there are different schools in the federal states
  • because it is mandated by the Basic Law

The German state controls the education system based on the Basic Law, which ensures that educational standards are maintained and that all students have access to quality education.

  • Why does the state control the education system in Germany?
    The state controls the education system because it is mandated by the Basic Law (Grundgesetz).
  • What is the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) in Germany?
    The Basic Law is Germany's constitution that outlines the fundamental principles and responsibilities of the government and state institutions.
  • Are there private schools in Germany?
    Yes, there are private schools in Germany, but the state still oversees educational standards and policies.
  • Schulwesen: Education system
  • Grundgesetz: Basic Law
  • Staat: State
  • Schulabschluss: School diploma
  • staatliche Schulen: State schools
  • private Schulen: Private schools

Question 67

Was ist in Deutschland vor allem eine Aufgabe der Bundesländer?

  • Verteidigungspolitik
  • Außenpolitik
  • Wirtschaftspolitik
  • Schulpolitik
Question 67

What is primarily the responsibility of the German federal states?

  • Defense policy
  • Foreign policy
  • Economic policy
  • Education policy

In Germany, education policy is a key responsibility of the federal states, allowing them to tailor educational approaches to regional needs and priorities.

  • What is primarily the responsibility of the German federal states?
    Education policy (Schulpolitik) is primarily the responsibility of the German federal states.
  • What other policies are managed at the federal level in Germany?
    Defense policy, foreign policy, and economic policy are managed at the federal level.
  • Why are education policies managed by the federal states?
    Education policies are managed by federal states to allow for regional differences and local control in educational matters.
  • Schulpolitik: Education policy
  • Verteidigungspolitik: Defense policy
  • Außenpolitik: Foreign policy
  • Wirtschaftspolitik: Economic policy
  • Bundesländer: Federal states
  • Aufgabe: Responsibility

Question 66

Welche Städte haben die größten jüdischen Gemeinden in Deutschland?

  • Berlin und München
  • Hamburg und Essen
  • Nürnberg und Stuttgart
  • Worms und Speyer
Question 66

Which cities have the largest Jewish communities in Germany?

  • Berlin and Munich
  • Hamburg and Essen
  • Nuremberg and Stuttgart
  • Worms and Speyer

Berlin and Munich are known for having the largest Jewish communities in Germany, reflecting their historical and contemporary significance as centers of Jewish life.

  • Which cities have the largest Jewish communities in Germany?
    Berlin and Munich have the largest Jewish communities in Germany.
  • Are there notable Jewish communities in other German cities?
    Yes, cities like Hamburg and Essen also have significant Jewish communities, but Berlin and Munich have the largest.
  • What is the historical significance of Jewish communities in these cities?
    Berlin and Munich have historically been centers of Jewish life and culture in Germany, with substantial Jewish populations before World War II and vibrant communities today.
  • jüdischen Gemeinden: Jewish communities
  • Städte: Cities
  • größten: Largest
  • Gemeinden: Communities
  • Berlin: Berlin
  • München: Munich

Question 65

Es gehört nicht zu den Aufgaben des Deutschen Bundestages, …

  • Gesetze zu entwerfen.
  • die Bundesregierung zu kontrollieren.
  • die Bundeskanzlerin/den Bundeskanzler zu wählen.
  • das Bundeskabinett zu bilden.
Question 65

It is not among the tasks of the German Bundestag to form the federal cabinet.

  • To draft laws.
  • To oversee the federal government.
  • To elect the Federal Chancellor.
  • To form the federal cabinet.

While the German Bundestag is responsible for law-making and overseeing the federal government, forming the federal cabinet is the responsibility of the Federal Chancellor.

  • What is not a task of the German Bundestag?
    Forming the federal cabinet (Bundeskabinett) is not a task of the Bundestag.
  • What are some tasks of the German Bundestag?
    The Bundestag is responsible for drafting laws, overseeing the federal government, and electing the Federal Chancellor.
  • Who forms the federal cabinet in Germany?
    The federal cabinet is formed by the Federal Chancellor, not the Bundestag.
  • Gesetze: Laws
  • Bundesregierung: Federal government
  • Bundeskanzler: Federal Chancellor
  • Bundeskabinett: Federal cabinet
  • entwerfen: To draft
  • kontrollieren: To oversee

Question 64

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist heute gegliedert in …

  • vier Besatzungszonen.
  • einen Oststaat und einen Weststaat.
  • 16 Kantone.
  • Bund, Länder und Kommunen.
Question 64

How is the Federal Republic of Germany currently organized?

  • Four occupation zones.
  • An East state and a West state.
  • 16 cantons.
  • Federal states, states, and municipalities.

Germany's current administrative structure consists of the federal government, 16 federal states, and various municipalities, reflecting its decentralized governance.

  • How is Germany currently organized?
    Germany is organized into federal states, states, and municipalities.
  • What were the historical divisions of Germany before unification?
    Before unification, Germany was divided into four occupation zones.
  • How does the federal structure of Germany work?
    Germany is divided into the federal government (Bund), 16 federal states (Länder), and municipalities (Kommunen).
  • Gliederung: Organization
  • Besatzungszonen: Occupation zones
  • Oststaat: East state
  • Weststaat: West state
  • Kantone: Cantons
  • Bund: Federal government

Question 63

Was gehört in Deutschland nicht zur Exekutive?

  • die Polizei
  • die Gerichte
  • das Finanzamt
  • die Ministerien
Question 63

Which institution does not belong to the executive branch in Germany?

  • The police
  • The courts
  • The tax office
  • The ministries

In Germany, the judiciary, including the courts, is separate from the executive branch, which comprises institutions like the police, ministries, and tax office.

  • Which institution does not belong to the executive branch in Germany?
    The courts (Gerichte) do not belong to the executive branch in Germany.
  • What are some examples of the executive branch in Germany?
    Examples of the executive branch in Germany include the police, the tax office, and the ministries.
  • What role do the courts play in Germany's government structure?
    The courts are part of the judiciary branch in Germany, not the executive branch.
  • Exekutive: Executive branch
  • Polizei: Police
  • Gerichte: Courts
  • Finanzamt: Tax office
  • Ministerien: Ministries
  • nicht: Not

Question 62

Wenn das Parlament eines deutschen Bundeslandes gewählt wird, nennt man das …

  • Kommunalwahl
  • Landtagswahl
  • Europawahl
  • Bundestagswahl
Question 62

When the parliament of a German federal state is elected, it is called a …

  • Local election
  • State parliament election
  • European election
  • Federal election

In Germany, elections for the parliament of a federal state are called 'Landtagswahlen' (state parliament elections).

  • What is a 'Landtagswahl'?
    A 'Landtagswahl' is an election for the state parliament of a German federal state.
  • How does a 'Landtagswahl' differ from a 'Bundestagswahl'?
    A 'Landtagswahl' elects representatives to the state parliament, while a 'Bundestagswahl' elects representatives to the federal parliament (Bundestag).
  • What are the main types of elections in Germany?
    The main types of elections in Germany are local elections (Kommunalwahl), state parliament elections (Landtagswahl), European elections (Europawahl), and federal elections (Bundestagswahl).
  • Landtagswahl: State parliament election
  • Kommunalwahl: Local election
  • Europawahl: European election
  • Bundestagswahl: Federal election
  • Parlament: Parliament
  • Bundesland: Federal state

Question 61

Was bedeutet "Volkssouveränität"?

  • Die Königin/der König herrscht über das Volk.
  • Das Bundesverfassungsgericht steht über der Verfassung.
  • Die Interessenverbände üben die Souveränität zusammen mit der Regierung.
  • Die Staatsgewalt geht vom Volke aus.
Question 61

What does 'popular sovereignty' mean?

  • The queen/king rules over the people.
  • The Federal Constitutional Court is above the constitution.
  • Interest groups exercise sovereignty together with the government.
  • Sovereign power derives from the people.

'Volkssouveränität' (popular sovereignty) means that the authority of the state is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives.

  • What does 'popular sovereignty' mean?
    'Popular sovereignty' means that state power originates from the people.
  • How is sovereignty exercised in a democratic system?
    In a democratic system, sovereignty is exercised by the people through their elected representatives.
  • What is the opposite of popular sovereignty?
    The opposite of popular sovereignty would be a system where power is held by a monarch or an unelected elite.
  • Volkssouveränität: Popular sovereignty
  • Königin/König: Queen/King
  • Bundesverfassungsgericht: Federal Constitutional Court
  • Interessenverbände: Interest groups
  • Souveränität: Sovereignty
  • Staatsgewalt: State power
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