Learn: Leben in Deutschland
Question 60
In Deutschland gehören der Bundestag und der Bundesrat zur …
- Exekutive.
- Legislative.
- Direktive.
- Judikative.
Question 60
In Germany, the Bundestag and the Bundesrat belong to the ...
- Executive
- Legislature
- Directive
- Judiciary
In Germany, both the Bundestag and the Bundesrat are part of the legislative branch, responsible for enacting and shaping laws.
What is the role of the Bundestag and Bundesrat in Germany?
The Bundestag and Bundesrat are part of the legislature in Germany, responsible for making and passing laws.
What is the difference between the Bundestag and the Bundesrat?
The Bundestag is the federal parliament representing the people, while the Bundesrat represents the governments of the federal states.
Which other branches of government exist in Germany besides the legislature?
Besides the legislature, Germany has the executive branch (government) and the judiciary (courts).
- Bundestag: Federal Diet/Parliament
- Bundesrat: Federal Council
- Exekutive: Executive
- Legislative: Legislature
- Direktive: Directive
- Judikative: Judiciary
Question 59
Vor wie vielen Jahren gab es erstmals eine jüdische Gemeinde auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Deutschlands?
- vor etwa 300 Jahren
- vor etwa 700 Jahren
- vor etwa 1150 Jahren
- vor etwa 1700 Jahren
Question 59
How many years ago was there first a Jewish community in what is now Germany?
- about 300 years ago
- about 700 years ago
- about 1150 years ago
- about 1700 years ago
The first recorded Jewish community in what is now Germany dates back approximately 1700 years, reflecting a long and significant presence.
When did the first Jewish community appear in what is now Germany?
The first Jewish community in the area of present-day Germany appeared about 1700 years ago.
What is the historical significance of Jewish communities in Germany?
Jewish communities have a long history in Germany, contributing to the cultural and economic life of the region since antiquity.
Where can one learn more about the history of Jewish communities in Germany?
One can learn more through historical records, museums, and academic studies dedicated to Jewish history in Germany.
- Jüdische: Jewish
- Gemeinde: Community
- Jahre: Years
- Heutige: Present-day
- Bereich: Region
Question 58
Wer ernennt in Deutschland die Ministerinnen/die Minister der Bundesregierung?
- die Präsident in/der Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes
- die Bundespräsident in/der Bundespräsident
- die Bundesratspräsident in/der Bundesratspräsident
- die Bundestagspräsident in/der Bundestagspräsident
Question 58
Who appoints the ministers of the German federal government?
- the President of the Federal Constitutional Court
- the Federal President
- the President of the Bundesrat
- the President of the Bundestag
The correct answer is 'die Bundespräsident in/der Bundespräsident'. The Federal President appoints the ministers of the German federal government upon the recommendation of the Chancellor.
Why Does the Bundespräsident Appoint Ministers and Not the Bundestagspräsident?
The German Grundgesetz (Basic Law, i.e., Constitution) assigns the role of appointing ministers to the Bundespräsident because the President acts as the ceremonial head of state, symbolizing the unity of the state and ensuring the smooth functioning of the constitutional process. This includes formally approving the appointment of the Chancellor and the ministers proposed by the Chancellor. The Bundespräsident's role in this process is largely formal; they do not decide who becomes a minister but officially confirms the appointment as a constitutional requirement.
Who appoints the ministers of the German federal government?
The Federal President appoints the ministers of the German federal government.
What is the role of the Federal President in the appointment of ministers?
The Federal President formally appoints the ministers based on the proposal of the Chancellor.
Can the Federal President dismiss ministers?
Yes, the Federal President can dismiss ministers upon the request of the Chancellor.
- Bundespräsident: Federal President
- Minister: Minister
- Ernennen: To appoint
- Bundesverfassungsgericht: Federal Constitutional Court
- Bundesrat: Federal Council
- Bundestag: Federal Diet/Parliament
Question 57
Wer wird meistens zur Präsident in/zum Präsident en des Deutschen Bundestages gewählt?
- die/der älteste Abgeordnete im Parlament
- die Ministerpräsident in/der Ministerpräsident des größten Bundeslandes
- eine ehemalige Bundeskanzler in/ein ehemaliger Bundeskanzler
- eine Abgeordnete/ein Abgeordneter der stärksten Fraktion
Question 57
Who is usually elected as President of the German Bundestag?
- the oldest member of parliament
- the Prime Minister of the largest federal state
- a former Chancellor
- a member of the strongest faction
The correct answer is 'eine Abgeordnete/ein Abgeordneter der stärksten Fraktion'. The President of the Bundestag is usually a member of the strongest faction in the parliament.
Who is typically elected as President of the German Bundestag?
Typically, a member of the strongest faction is elected as President of the German Bundestag.
What is the role of the President of the Bundestag?
The President of the Bundestag presides over the parliamentary sessions and ensures the orderly conduct of debates.
How is the President of the Bundestag chosen?
The President is elected by the members of the Bundestag, usually from the strongest faction.
- Abgeordnete: Member of Parliament
- Fraktion: Faction
- Präsident: President
- Bundestag: Federal Diet/Parliament
- Stärksten: Strongest
- Wählen: To elect
Question 56
Welches Amt gehört in Deutschland zur Gemeindeverwaltung?
- Pfarramt
- Ordnungsamt
- Finanzamt
- Auswärtiges Amt
Question 56
Which office is part of municipal administration in Germany?
- Parish Office
- Public Order Office
- Tax Office
- Federal Foreign Office
The correct answer is 'Ordnungsamt'. In Germany, the Ordnungsamt is part of the municipal administration and is responsible for public order and local regulations.
What is the role of the Ordnungsamt in local government?
The Ordnungsamt is responsible for maintaining public order, enforcing local regulations, and handling various administrative tasks related to safety and order in the community.
Which office handles tax-related matters in Germany?
The Finanzamt (Tax Office) is responsible for tax-related matters, including the collection of taxes and tax assessment.
What is the function of the Auswärtiges Amt?
The Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) handles Germany's foreign affairs, including diplomacy and international relations.
- Gemeindeverwaltung: Municipal Administration
- Ordnungsamt: Public Order Office
- Pfarramt: Parish Office
- Finanzamt: Tax Office
- Auswärtiges Amt: Federal Foreign Office
- Amt: Office
Question 55
Was zeigt dieses Bild?

- den Bundestagssitz in Berlin
- das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe
- das Bundesratsgebäude in Berlin
- das Bundeskanzleramt in Berlin
Question 55
What does this image show?

- the Bundestag seat in Berlin
- the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
- the Federal Council building in Berlin
- the Federal Chancellery in Berlin
The correct answer is 'den Bundestagssitz in Berlin'. The image shows the seat of the Bundestag, which is the German federal parliament located in Berlin.
What is the Bundestag?
The Bundestag is the German federal parliament, which represents the people and is responsible for creating and passing legislation.
Where is the Bundesverfassungsgericht located?
The Bundesverfassungsgericht, or Federal Constitutional Court, is located in Karlsruhe, Germany. It is the highest court for constitutional matters.
What is the role of the Bundeskanzleramt?
The Bundeskanzleramt, or Federal Chancellery, is the office of the German Chancellor. It is responsible for coordinating the work of the federal government and supporting the Chancellor.
- Bundestagssitz: Bundestag seat
- Bundesverfassungsgericht: Federal Constitutional Court
- Bundesratsgebäude: Federal Council building
- Bundeskanzleramt: Federal Chancellery
Question 54
Was ist keine staatliche Gewalt in Deutschland?
- Legislative
- Judikative
- Exekutive
- Direktive
Question 54
Which is not a state power in Germany?
- Legislative
- Judiciary
- Executive
- Directive
The correct answer is 'Direktive'. In Germany, the state powers are divided into Legislative, Judiciary, and Executive. 'Direktive' is not a recognized branch of state power.
What are the three branches of government in Germany?
The three branches of government in Germany are the Legislative, the Judiciary, and the Executive.
What is the role of the Legislative branch in Germany?
The Legislative branch in Germany is responsible for creating laws and is represented by the Bundestag and Bundesrat.
What does the term 'Judikative' refer to?
The term 'Judikative' refers to the Judiciary, which is responsible for interpreting and applying the law.
- Legislative: Legislative
- Judikative: Judiciary
- Exekutive: Executive
- Direktive: Directive
Question 53
Was bedeutet "Rechtsstaat" in Deutschland?
- Der Staat hat Recht.
- Es gibt nur rechte Parteien.
- Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger entscheiden über Gesetze.
- Der Staat muss die Gesetze einhalten.
Question 53
What does 'Rechtsstaat' mean in Germany?
- The state is right.
- There are only right-wing parties.
- Citizens decide on laws.
- The state must adhere to the laws.
The correct answer is 'Der Staat muss die Gesetze einhalten.' In a 'Rechtsstaat', the state must adhere to and uphold the laws. This principle ensures that all actions by the state are legal and just.
What is a 'Rechtsstaat'?
'Rechtsstaat' refers to a state where the rule of law prevails, meaning that the state and its institutions must adhere to the law.
How does the principle of 'Rechtsstaat' affect government actions?
Under the principle of 'Rechtsstaat', all government actions must be based on law, and any action taken must be legal and comply with existing regulations.
What are the key characteristics of a 'Rechtsstaat'?
Key characteristics of a 'Rechtsstaat' include legal certainty, the protection of fundamental rights, and the independence of the judiciary.
- Rechtsstaat: Rule of law
- Gesetze: Laws
- einhalten: To adhere to
- Bürgerinnen und Bürger: Citizens
Question 52
Was bedeutet "Volkssouveränität"? Alle Staatsgewalt geht vom ...
- Volke aus.
- Bundestag aus.
- preußischen König aus.
- Bundesverfassungsgericht aus.
Question 52
What does 'Volkssouveränität' mean? All state power originates from the...
- people.
- Bundestag.
- Prussian king.
- Federal Constitutional Court.
The correct answer is 'Volke aus.' 'Volkssouveränität' means that all state power originates from the people. This principle is foundational to democratic governance, ensuring that authority and legitimacy are derived from the citizens.
What does 'Volkssouveränität' mean?
'Volkssouveränität' means that all state power originates from the people. It emphasizes that the authority of the state is derived from the will of the people.
How is 'Volkssouveränität' implemented in practice?
'Volkssouveränität' is implemented through democratic processes, such as elections and referendums, where the people exercise their power to choose their representatives and influence government decisions.
Why is 'Volkssouveränität' important in a democracy?
'Volkssouveränität' is crucial in a democracy because it ensures that the government is accountable to the people and that all political power is derived from and remains with the citizens.
- Volkssouveränität: Popular sovereignty
- Staatsgewalt: State power
- Volk: People
- Bundestag: Federal Diet
- Bundesverfassungsgericht: Federal Constitutional Court
- preußischen König: Prussian king
Question 51
Zu einem demokratischen Rechtsstaat gehört es nicht, dass …
- Menschen sich kritisch über die Regierung äußern können.
- Bürger friedlich demonstrieren gehen dürfen.
- Menschen von einer Privatpolizei ohne Grund verhaftet werden.
- jemand ein Verbrechen begeht und deshalb verhaftet wird.
Question 51
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a democratic rule of law?
- people can express criticism of the government.
- citizens are allowed to peacefully demonstrate.
- people are arrested by a private police without reason.
- someone commits a crime and is therefore arrested.
The correct answer is 'Menschen von einer Privatpolizei ohne Grund verhaftet werden.' In a democratic rule of law, it is not permissible for people to be arrested by a private police without reason. This would violate the principle of legal protection and individual rights.
What is a characteristic of a democratic rule of law?
A democratic rule of law ensures that all actions of the government are based on established laws and that individual rights are protected, including freedom of expression and the right to peaceful assembly.
Why is it important that people are not arrested without reason in a democratic state?
It is important to prevent arbitrary arrests to ensure that individual freedoms and legal protections are upheld. A democratic state operates under the rule of law, meaning that all actions must be justified and based on legal authority.
What role do laws play in protecting citizens' rights in a democratic state?
Laws in a democratic state serve to protect citizens' rights by providing clear rules and procedures for government actions, ensuring accountability, and safeguarding individual freedoms from unjust treatment or abuse.
- demokratischer Rechtsstaat: democratic rule of law
- kritisch: critical
- friedlich: peaceful
- demonstrieren: demonstrate
- Privatpolizei: private police
- Verhaftung: arrest
- Verbrechen: crime
Question 50
Die Wirtschaftsform in Deutschland nennt man …
- freie Zentralwirtschaft.
- soziale Marktwirtschaft.
- gelenkte Zentralwirtschaft.
- Planwirtschaft.
Question 50
What is the economic system in Germany called?
- free central economy.
- social market economy.
- directed central economy.
- planned economy.
The correct answer is 'soziale Marktwirtschaft.' In Germany, the economic system is known as the social market economy, which aims to combine the advantages of a free market with social protection measures.
What is the social market economy?
The social market economy is an economic system that combines free-market capitalism with social policies that aim to ensure fair competition and social welfare. It is designed to balance economic efficiency with social equity.
How does the social market economy differ from a planned economy?
In a planned economy, the government makes all significant economic decisions and controls the production and distribution of goods and services. In contrast, a social market economy relies on market forces for economic decisions while ensuring that social policies protect and support citizens.
Why is the social market economy important for Germany?
The social market economy is important for Germany because it promotes economic growth and innovation while ensuring that the benefits of prosperity are distributed more equitably among the population. It helps to create a stable and inclusive economic environment.
- soziale Marktwirtschaft: social market economy
- freie Zentralwirtschaft: free central economy
- gelenkte Zentralwirtschaft: directed central economy
- Planwirtschaft: planned economy
- Wirtschaftsform: economic system
- Sozialpolitik: social policy
Question 49
Wer bestimmt in Deutschland die Schulpolitik?
- die Lehrer und Lehrerinnen
- die Bundesländer
- das Familienministerium
- die Universitäten
Question 49
Who determines school policy in Germany?
- teachers
- the federal states
- the Ministry of Family Affairs
- the universities
The correct answer is 'die Bundesländer.' In Germany, the federal states are responsible for determining school policy, which includes setting educational standards, curricula, and regulations for schools within their jurisdiction.
How is school policy determined in Germany?
In Germany, school policy is determined by the federal states (Bundesländer). Each state has its own education system and regulations, allowing for variations in school curricula and administration across the country.
Why do the federal states determine school policy in Germany?
The federal states determine school policy in Germany to allow for regional flexibility and to address local educational needs and conditions. This decentralized approach ensures that educational policies can be adapted to the specific contexts of each state.
What role do teachers play in school policy in Germany?
While teachers do not determine school policy, they are involved in the implementation of educational policies and practices within their schools. They may also participate in discussions and feedback mechanisms related to educational reforms and improvements.
- Schulpolitik: school policy
- Bundesländer: federal states
- Familienministerium: Ministry of Family Affairs
- Universitäten: universities
- Lehrer und Lehrerinnen: teachers
Question 48
Welches Organ gehört nicht zu den Verfassungsorganen Deutschlands?
- der Bundesrat
- die Bundespräsidentin/der Bundespräsident
- die Bürgerversammlung
- die Regierung
Question 48
Which body is not one of the constitutional organs of Germany?
- the Federal Council
- the Federal President
- the Citizens' Assembly
- the Government
The correct answer is 'die Bürgerversammlung' (the Citizens' Assembly). The Federal Council, the Federal President, and the Government are all considered constitutional organs of Germany, while the Citizens' Assembly does not have a formal role in the national constitutional framework.
What are the constitutional organs of Germany?
The constitutional organs of Germany include the Federal Council (Bundesrat), the Federal President (Bundespräsident), and the Government (Regierung). They are responsible for key aspects of governance and the implementation of the constitution.
What role does the Federal Council play in Germany's government?
The Federal Council (Bundesrat) represents the federal states (Bundesländer) in Germany's legislative process. It participates in the enactment of federal laws and has the power to influence legislation that affects the states.
Why is the Citizens' Assembly not considered a constitutional organ in Germany?
The Citizens' Assembly (Bürgerversammlung) is not considered a constitutional organ because it does not have a formal role in the constitutional framework or governance structure. It may be involved in local issues but does not have a national legislative or executive function.
- Verfassungsorgane: constitutional organs
- Bundesrat: Federal Council
- Bundespräsident: Federal President
- Bürgerversammlung: Citizens' Assembly
- Regierung: Government
Question 47
Der deutsche Staat hat viele Aufgaben. Welche Aufgabe gehört nicht dazu?
- Er bezahlt für alle Staatsangehörigen Urlaubsreisen.
- Er zahlt Kindergeld.
- Er unterstützt Museen.
- Er fördert Sportlerinnen und Sportler.
Question 47
The German state has many tasks. Which of the following is not one of them?
- It pays for vacation trips for all citizens.
- It provides child benefits.
- It supports museums.
- It supports athletes.
The correct answer is 'Er bezahlt für alle Staatsangehörigen Urlaubsreisen' (He pays for vacation trips for all citizens). While the German government provides various types of support such as child benefits, museum funding, and athlete support, paying for vacation trips is not among its responsibilities.
What types of financial support does the German government provide?
The German government provides various types of financial support, including child benefits (Kindergeld), funding for museums, and support for athletes. However, it does not cover vacation trips for citizens.
How does the German government support cultural institutions?
The German government supports cultural institutions such as museums through grants and subsidies. This helps preserve cultural heritage and make cultural experiences accessible to the public.
What is the purpose of child benefits in Germany?
Child benefits (Kindergeld) in Germany are designed to help offset the costs of raising children. They provide financial assistance to families and support the well-being of children.
- Staatsangehörige: citizens
- Urlaubsreisen: vacation trips
- Kindergeld: child benefits
- Museen: museums
- Sportler: athletes
Question 46
Der deutsche Staat hat viele Aufgaben. Welche Aufgabe gehört dazu?
- Er baut Straßen und Schulen.
- Er verkauft Lebensmittel und Kleidung.
- Er versorgt alle Einwohner innen und Einwohner kostenlos mit Zeitungen.
- Er produziert Autos und Busse.
Question 46
The German state has many tasks. Which of the following is one of them?
- He builds roads and schools.
- He sells food and clothing.
- He provides all residents with newspapers free of charge.
- He produces cars and buses.
The correct answer is 'Er baut Straßen und Schulen' (He builds roads and schools). This task is part of the government's responsibilities to develop and maintain public infrastructure. The government does not engage in commercial activities such as selling food or clothing, or providing free newspapers.
What are some of the tasks that the German government handles?
The German government is responsible for tasks such as building infrastructure, including roads and schools. It does not engage in commercial activities like selling food or clothing, or providing newspapers for free.
Does the German government provide free newspapers to residents?
No, the German government does not provide free newspapers to residents. Such services are generally not within the scope of government responsibilities.
How does the German government support education and infrastructure?
The German government supports education and infrastructure through funding and development projects. This includes building and maintaining roads and schools to support public services and community development.
- Straßen: roads
- Schulen: schools
- Lebensmittel: food
- Kleidung: clothing
- Einwohner: residents
- Zeitungen: newspapers
- produziert: produces
- Autos: cars
- Busse: buses