Zu welcher Versicherung gehört die Pflegeversicherung?
Which type of insurance does long-term care insurance belong to?
The correct answer is 'Sozialversicherung' (Social insurance). Pflegeversicherung, or long-term care insurance, is part of the social insurance system in Germany, which provides coverage for long-term care needs.
Wen kann man als Bürgerin/Bürger in Deutschland nicht direkt wählen?
Whom can citizens of Germany not directly elect?
The correct answer is 'Die Bundespräsidentin/den Bundespräsidenten' (The Federal President). In Germany, citizens directly elect members of the Bundestag, state parliaments, and the European Parliament, but the Federal President is elected indirectly by the Federal Assembly.
Wann kann in Deutschland eine Partei verboten werden?
When can a party be banned in Germany?
The correct answer is 'wenn sie gegen die Verfassung kämpft' (if it fights against the constitution). In Germany, a party can be banned if it aims to undermine or attack the democratic principles and the constitution.
Wer beschließt in Deutschland ein neues Gesetz?
Who decides on a new law in Germany?
The correct answer is 'das Parlament' (the parliament). In Germany, new laws are decided by the parliament, which consists of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.
Warum gibt es in einer Demokratie mehr als eine Partei?
Why are there more than one party in a democracy?
The correct answer is 'weil dadurch die unterschiedlichen Meinungen der Bürger innen und Bürger' (because it represents the different opinions of citizens). In a democracy, multiple parties ensure that a range of perspectives and interests are represented in the political system.
Mit welchen Worten beginnt die deutsche Nationalhymne?
What words begin the German national anthem?
The correct answer is 'Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit …' (Unity and justice and freedom …). This phrase is the opening line of the German national anthem, 'Deutschlandlied.'
Was hat jedes deutsche Bundesland?
What does each German federal state have?
The correct answer is 'eine eigene Regierung' (a separate government). Each federal state in Germany has its own government that handles regional affairs.
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist ein demokratischer und sozialer …
The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social ...
The correct answer is 'Bundesstaat' (federal state). Germany is a federal state where power is divided between the national government and individual federal states (Bundesländer).
Wie werden die Regierungschefinnen/Regierungschefs der meisten Bundesländer in Deutschland genannt?
What are the heads of government in most of Germany's federal states called?
The correct answer is 'Ministerpräsidentin/Ministerpräsident' (Minister President). This title is used for the heads of government in most German federal states (Bundesländer).
Welche Maßnahme schafft in Deutschland soziale Sicherheit?
Which measure provides social security in Germany?
The correct answer is 'die Krankenversicherung' (health insurance). This measure provides social security by covering healthcare costs and ensuring access to medical services.
Womit finanziert der deutsche Staat die Sozialversicherung?
How does the German state finance social insurance?
The correct answer is 'Sozialabgaben' (social contributions). The German state finances social insurance through mandatory contributions from both employers and employees, which cover various aspects of social security.
Was ist Deutschland nicht?
What is Germany not?
The correct answer is 'eine Monarchie' (a monarchy). Germany is not a monarchy but rather a democracy, a rule-of-law state, and a social state.
Welche Aussage ist richtig? In Deutschland …
Which statement is correct? In Germany ...
The correct answer is 'sind Staat und Religionsgemeinschaften voneinander getrennt' (are separated from each other). In Germany, there is a separation between state and religious communities, ensuring that each operates independently of the other.
Was ist keine staatliche Gewalt in Deutschland?
What is not a state power in Germany?
The correct answer is 'Presse' (press). In Germany, the state has three branches of power: legislation (Gesetzgebung), government (Regierung), and judiciary (Rechtsprechung). The press is not a branch of state power but operates independently to inform the public.
Die Zusammenarbeit von Parteien zur Bildung einer Regierung nennt man in Deutschland …
What is the term for the collaboration of parties to form a government in Germany?
The correct answer is 'Koalition' (coalition). In Germany, when political parties work together to form a government, this collaboration is known as a coalition.