Learn: Leben in Deutschland

Question 45

Zu welcher Versicherung gehört die Pflegeversicherung?

  • Sozialversicherung
  • Unfallversicherung
  • Hausratsversicherung
  • Haftpflicht- und Feuerversicherung
Question 45

Which type of insurance does long-term care insurance belong to?

  • Social insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Household insurance
  • Liability and fire insurance

The correct answer is 'Sozialversicherung' (Social insurance). Pflegeversicherung, or long-term care insurance, is part of the social insurance system in Germany, which provides coverage for long-term care needs.

  • What type of insurance is the Pflegeversicherung (long-term care insurance)?
    The Pflegeversicherung is a type of social insurance in Germany that provides coverage for long-term care needs.
  • Are household insurance and liability insurance the same as Pflegeversicherung?
    No, household insurance and liability insurance are different from Pflegeversicherung. Household insurance covers damage to personal property, while liability insurance covers damages caused to others. Pflegeversicherung specifically addresses long-term care needs.
  • What does social insurance cover in Germany?
    In Germany, social insurance covers various aspects including health, long-term care, unemployment, and pensions. Pflegeversicherung (long-term care insurance) is a part of this broader social insurance system.
  • Pflegeversicherung: long-term care insurance
  • Sozialversicherung: social insurance
  • Unfallversicherung: accident insurance
  • Hausratsversicherung: household insurance
  • Haftpflichtversicherung: liability insurance
  • Feuerversicherung: fire insurance

Question 44

Wen kann man als Bürgerin/Bürger in Deutschland nicht direkt wählen?

  • Abgeordnete des EU-Parlaments
  • Die Bundespräsidentin/den Bundespräsidenten
  • Landtagsabgeordnete
  • Bundestagsabgeordnete
Question 44

Whom can citizens of Germany not directly elect?

  • Members of the European Parliament
  • The Federal President
  • State Parliament Members
  • Members of the Bundestag

The correct answer is 'Die Bundespräsidentin/den Bundespräsidenten' (The Federal President). In Germany, citizens directly elect members of the Bundestag, state parliaments, and the European Parliament, but the Federal President is elected indirectly by the Federal Assembly.

  • Who elects the Federal President of Germany?
    The Federal President of Germany is elected by the Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung), which is a body consisting of the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates elected by the state legislatures.
  • Can German citizens directly vote for Members of the European Parliament?
    Yes, German citizens can directly vote for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in the European Parliament elections.
  • Who elects Landtagsabgeordnete (state parliament members) and Bundestagsabgeordnete (members of the Bundestag)?
    German citizens directly elect Landtagsabgeordnete (state parliament members) and Bundestagsabgeordnete (members of the Bundestag) through general elections.
  • Abgeordnete: Members
  • EU-Parlament: European Parliament
  • Bundespräsident: Federal President
  • Landtagsabgeordnete: State Parliament Members
  • Bundestagsabgeordnete: Members of the Bundestag

Question 43

Wann kann in Deutschland eine Partei verboten werden?

  • wenn ihr Wahlkampf zu teuer ist
  • wenn sie gegen die Verfassung kämpft
  • wenn sie Kritik am Staatsoberhaupt äußert
  • wenn ihr Programm eine neue Richtung vorschlägt
Question 43

When can a party be banned in Germany?

  • if its election campaign is too expensive
  • if it fights against the constitution
  • if it criticizes the head of state
  • if its program suggests a new direction

The correct answer is 'wenn sie gegen die Verfassung kämpft' (if it fights against the constitution). In Germany, a party can be banned if it aims to undermine or attack the democratic principles and the constitution.

  • Under what circumstances can a political party be banned in Germany?
    A political party can be banned in Germany if it aims to undermine or attack the democratic constitutional order or the principles of the constitution.
  • Who decides whether a political party should be banned in Germany?
    The decision to ban a political party is made by the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht).
  • What happens if a party is banned in Germany?
    If a party is banned, its activities are prohibited, and it is dissolved. The party's assets are confiscated, and its members are not allowed to form a similar party under a different name.
  • Wahlkampf: election campaign
  • Verfassung: constitution
  • Staatsoberhaupt: head of state
  • Programm: program
  • neue Richtung: new direction

Question 42

Wer beschließt in Deutschland ein neues Gesetz?

  • die Regierung
  • das Parlament
  • die Gerichte
  • die Polizei
Question 42

Who decides on a new law in Germany?

  • the government
  • the parliament
  • the courts
  • the police

The correct answer is 'das Parlament' (the parliament). In Germany, new laws are decided by the parliament, which consists of the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.

  • What is the role of the parliament in the law-making process in Germany?
    In Germany, the parliament is responsible for discussing, amending, and passing new laws. The legislative process involves both houses of parliament: the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.
  • Can the government propose new laws in Germany?
    Yes, the government can propose new laws, but they must be approved by the parliament to become law.
  • What happens if a proposed law is rejected by the parliament?
    If a proposed law is rejected by the parliament, it does not become law. The proposal may be revised and resubmitted or abandoned.
  • Gesetz: law
  • Regierung: government
  • Parlament: parliament
  • Gerichte: courts
  • Polizei: police

Question 41

Warum gibt es in einer Demokratie mehr als eine Partei?

  • weil dadurch die unterschiedlichen Meinungen der Bürger innen und Bürger
  • damit Bestechung in der Politik begrenzt wird
  • um politische Demonstrationen zu verhindern
  • um wirtschaftlichen Wettbewerb anzuregen
Question 41

Why are there more than one party in a democracy?

  • because it represents the different opinions of citizens
  • to limit bribery in politics
  • to prevent political demonstrations
  • to stimulate economic competition

The correct answer is 'weil dadurch die unterschiedlichen Meinungen der Bürger innen und Bürger' (because it represents the different opinions of citizens). In a democracy, multiple parties ensure that a range of perspectives and interests are represented in the political system.

  • Why is having multiple parties important in a democracy?
    Having multiple parties is important in a democracy because it allows for a diverse representation of opinions and interests, which helps ensure that all viewpoints are considered in the political process.
  • What role do political parties play in representing citizens?
    Political parties represent the interests and opinions of different groups within the society, providing a platform for various viewpoints and enabling citizens to vote for a party that best aligns with their beliefs and values.
  • How does having multiple parties contribute to democratic governance?
    Multiple parties contribute to democratic governance by fostering debate, encouraging compromise, and preventing any single party from having unchecked power, thereby enhancing the overall quality of democracy.
  • Demokratie: democracy
  • Partei: party
  • Meinungen: opinions
  • Bürger: citizens
  • Bestechung: bribery
  • Politik: politics
  • Demonstrationen: demonstrations
  • wirtschaftlichen Wettbewerb: economic competition

Question 40

Mit welchen Worten beginnt die deutsche Nationalhymne?

  • Völker, hört die Signale …
  • Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit …
  • Freude schöner Götterfunken …
  • Deutschland einig Vaterland …
Question 40

What words begin the German national anthem?

  • Peoples, listen to the signals …
  • Unity and justice and freedom …
  • Joy, beautiful spark of the gods …
  • Germany, united fatherland …

The correct answer is 'Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit …' (Unity and justice and freedom …). This phrase is the opening line of the German national anthem, 'Deutschlandlied.'

  • What is the opening line of the German national anthem?
    The opening line of the German national anthem is 'Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit,' which translates to 'Unity and justice and freedom.'
  • Who wrote the lyrics for the German national anthem?
    The lyrics of the German national anthem are taken from the song 'Deutschlandlied,' written by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben in 1841.
  • What is the melody of the German national anthem based on?
    The melody of the German national anthem is based on the music composed by Joseph Haydn, known as the 'Kaiser Hymn.'
  • Nationalhymne: national anthem
  • Einigkeit: unity
  • Recht: justice
  • Freiheit: freedom
  • Völker: peoples
  • Signale: signals
  • Freude: joy
  • Götterfunken: spark of the gods
  • Vaterland: fatherland

Question 39

Was hat jedes deutsche Bundesland?

  • eine eigene Außenministerin/einen eigenen Außenminister
  • eine eigene Währung
  • eine eigene Armee
  • eine eigene Regierung
Question 39

What does each German federal state have?

  • a separate foreign minister
  • a separate currency
  • a separate army
  • a separate government

The correct answer is 'eine eigene Regierung' (a separate government). Each federal state in Germany has its own government that handles regional affairs.

  • What does each federal state in Germany have?
    Each federal state (Bundesland) in Germany has its own government, responsible for certain regional matters.
  • Do German federal states have their own currencies?
    No, German federal states do not have their own currencies. The euro is the currency used throughout Germany.
  • Can German federal states have their own armies?
    No, German federal states do not have their own armies. The German military is a federal responsibility.
  • Bundesland: federal state
  • Außenminister: foreign minister
  • Währung: currency
  • Armee: army
  • Regierung: government

Question 38

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist ein demokratischer und sozialer …

  • Staatenverbund
  • Bundesstaat
  • Staatenbund
  • Zentralstaat
Question 38

The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social ...

  • union of states
  • federal state
  • confederation of states
  • central state

The correct answer is 'Bundesstaat' (federal state). Germany is a federal state where power is divided between the national government and individual federal states (Bundesländer).

  • What type of state is the Federal Republic of Germany?
    The Federal Republic of Germany is a federal state, meaning it has multiple levels of government with powers divided between the federal and state governments.
  • What distinguishes a federal state from a unitary state?
    A federal state, like Germany, divides powers between central and regional governments. In contrast, a unitary state centralizes power at the national level, with limited autonomy for regions.
  • Can you give an example of another federal state besides Germany?
    Yes, the United States is another example of a federal state, where powers are shared between the federal government and individual states.
  • Staatenverbund: union of states
  • Bundesstaat: federal state
  • Staatenbund: confederation of states
  • Zentralstaat: central state

Question 37

Wie werden die Regierungschefinnen/Regierungschefs der meisten Bundesländer in Deutschland genannt?

  • Erste Ministerin/Erster Minister
  • Premierministerin/Premierminister
  • Senatorin/Senator
  • Ministerpräsidentin/Ministerpräsident
Question 37

What are the heads of government in most of Germany's federal states called?

  • First Minister
  • Prime Minister
  • Senator
  • Minister President

The correct answer is 'Ministerpräsidentin/Ministerpräsident' (Minister President). This title is used for the heads of government in most German federal states (Bundesländer).

  • What is the role of a Minister President in Germany?
    A Minister President is the head of government in a German federal state (Bundesland). They are responsible for overseeing the state government and representing the state in federal matters.
  • How does the role of a Minister President differ from a Prime Minister?
    While a Minister President oversees a single federal state, a Prime Minister generally leads the national government. The term 'Prime Minister' is used in various countries but not in Germany's federal states.
  • What other titles are used for heads of government in different regions?
    In some regions or countries, the head of government might be called a 'Governor,' 'First Minister,' or simply 'President,' depending on the local governance structure.
  • Erste Ministerin/Erster Minister: First Minister
  • Premierministerin/Premierminister: Prime Minister
  • Senatorin/Senator: Senator
  • Ministerpräsidentin/Ministerpräsident: Minister President

Question 36

Welche Maßnahme schafft in Deutschland soziale Sicherheit?

  • die Krankenversicherung
  • die Autoversicherung
  • die Gebäudeversicherung
  • die Haftpflichtversicherung
Question 36

Which measure provides social security in Germany?

  • health insurance
  • car insurance
  • building insurance
  • liability insurance

The correct answer is 'die Krankenversicherung' (health insurance). This measure provides social security by covering healthcare costs and ensuring access to medical services.

  • What does health insurance cover in Germany?
    Health insurance in Germany covers a wide range of medical services including doctor visits, hospital stays, and prescription medications, ensuring that individuals have access to necessary healthcare.
  • Are there different types of health insurance in Germany?
    Yes, there are two main types of health insurance in Germany: statutory health insurance (GKV) and private health insurance (PKV). Statutory insurance is mandatory for most residents, while private insurance is available for higher earners and self-employed individuals.
  • How does health insurance contribute to social security in Germany?
    Health insurance is a key component of social security in Germany, as it ensures that individuals receive medical care and financial protection against health-related costs, thereby contributing to overall social stability.
  • Krankenversicherung: health insurance
  • Autoversicherung: car insurance
  • Gebäudeversicherung: building insurance
  • Haftpflichtversicherung: liability insurance
  • Maßnahme: measure
  • schaffen: create

Question 35

Womit finanziert der deutsche Staat die Sozialversicherung?

  • Kirchensteuer
  • Sozialabgaben
  • Spendengeldern
  • Vereinsbeiträgen
Question 35

How does the German state finance social insurance?

  • church tax
  • social contributions
  • donations
  • membership fees

The correct answer is 'Sozialabgaben' (social contributions). The German state finances social insurance through mandatory contributions from both employers and employees, which cover various aspects of social security.

  • What are social contributions in Germany?
    Social contributions in Germany are mandatory payments made by employees and employers to fund various social insurance programs, including health insurance, pension insurance, and unemployment insurance.
  • How are social contributions calculated?
    Social contributions are usually calculated as a percentage of an employee's gross salary. Both employees and employers contribute to the social insurance system.
  • Are social contributions the only source of funding for social insurance in Germany?
    No, while social contributions are a major source of funding, the social insurance system in Germany is also supported by government subsidies and other forms of financial support.
  • Kirchensteuer: church tax
  • Sozialabgaben: social contributions
  • Spendengeldern: donations
  • Vereinsbeiträgen: membership fees

Question 34

Was ist Deutschland nicht?

  • eine Demokratie
  • ein Rechtsstaat
  • eine Monarchie
  • ein Sozialstaat
Question 34

What is Germany not?

  • a democracy
  • a rule-of-law state
  • a monarchy
  • a social state

The correct answer is 'eine Monarchie' (a monarchy). Germany is not a monarchy but rather a democracy, a rule-of-law state, and a social state.

  • What are the key characteristics of a democracy?
    A democracy is characterized by free elections, the rule of law, and the protection of individual rights and freedoms.
  • What does it mean to be a rule-of-law state?
    A rule-of-law state means that the government and its officials are bound by and accountable to laws that are publicly known, equally enforced, and independently adjudicated.
  • What defines a social state?
    A social state is one that aims to provide a safety net for its citizens, including welfare programs, social insurance, and measures to reduce inequality.
  • Demokratie: democracy
  • Rechtsstaat: rule-of-law state
  • Monarchie: monarchy
  • Sozialstaat: social state
  • Einzelne Rechte: individual rights
  • Gesetze: laws

Question 33

Welche Aussage ist richtig? In Deutschland …

  • sind Staat und Religionsgemeinschaften voneinander getrennt.
  • bilden die Religionsgemeinschaften den Staat.
  • ist der Staat abhängig von den Religionsgemeinschaften.
  • bilden Staat und Religionsgemeinschaften eine Einheit.
Question 33

Which statement is correct? In Germany ...

  • State and religious communities are separated from each other.
  • the religious communities form the state.
  • the state is dependent on the religious communities.
  • the state and religious communities form a unit.

The correct answer is 'sind Staat und Religionsgemeinschaften voneinander getrennt' (are separated from each other). In Germany, there is a separation between state and religious communities, ensuring that each operates independently of the other.

  • How is the relationship between the state and religious communities defined in Germany?
    In Germany, the state and religious communities are separated, meaning that religious institutions operate independently from the government.
  • Does the German government have any influence on religious communities?
    No, the German government does not influence religious communities, as there is a separation between church and state.
  • What is the legal status of religious communities in Germany?
    Religious communities in Germany have the status of corporations under public law and have the right to collect church taxes and maintain their own organizations and activities.
  • Religionsgemeinschaften: religious communities
  • voneinander getrennt: separated from each other
  • Staat: state
  • abhängig: dependent
  • Einheit: unit
  • Rechtsstatus: legal status

Question 32

Was ist keine staatliche Gewalt in Deutschland?

  • Gesetzgebung
  • Regierung
  • Presse
  • Rechtsprechung
Question 32

What is not a state power in Germany?

  • legislation
  • government
  • press
  • judiciary

The correct answer is 'Presse' (press). In Germany, the state has three branches of power: legislation (Gesetzgebung), government (Regierung), and judiciary (Rechtsprechung). The press is not a branch of state power but operates independently to inform the public.

  • What are the three branches of government in Germany?
    The three branches of government in Germany are the legislative branch (Gesetzgebung), the executive branch (Regierung), and the judiciary (Rechtsprechung).
  • How does the press function in Germany's political system?
    The press in Germany is independent and free from government control, providing a platform for public discourse and holding the government accountable.
  • Why is the press not considered a branch of government?
    The press is not a branch of government because it serves as a watchdog and source of information, rather than a governing authority with legislative, executive, or judicial powers.
  • Gesetzgebung: legislation
  • Regierung: government
  • Presse: press
  • Rechtsprechung: judiciary
  • staatliche Gewalt: state power
  • Unabhängigkeit: independence

Question 31

Die Zusammenarbeit von Parteien zur Bildung einer Regierung nennt man in Deutschland …

  • Einheit
  • Koalition
  • Ministerium
  • Fraktion
Question 31

What is the term for the collaboration of parties to form a government in Germany?

  • unity
  • coalition
  • ministry
  • faction

The correct answer is 'Koalition' (coalition). In Germany, when political parties work together to form a government, this collaboration is known as a coalition.

  • What is a coalition in the context of German politics?
    In German politics, a coalition is a partnership between different political parties formed to establish a majority and create a government.
  • How is a coalition formed in Germany?
    A coalition is formed when parties negotiate and agree to work together to achieve a majority in the Bundestag or state parliament, allowing them to govern effectively.
  • What role does a coalition play in the German government?
    A coalition plays a crucial role in the German government by combining the strengths of multiple parties to create a stable administration and implement policies.
  • Einheit: unity
  • Koalition: coalition
  • Ministerium: ministry
  • Fraktion: faction
  • Zusammenarbeit: collaboration
  • Regierung: government
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