Was ist kein Merkmal unserer Demokratie?
What is not a characteristic of our democracy?
The correct answer is 'Pressezensur' (press censorship). In a democracy, regular elections, freedom of speech, and the existence of various political parties are fundamental, while press censorship is contrary to democratic principles.
Welches Tier ist das Wappentier der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?
Which animal is the heraldic animal of the Federal Republic of Germany?
The correct answer is 'Adler' (eagle). The eagle is the national emblem of the Federal Republic of Germany and is used in various state symbols and official documents.
Wer wählt in Deutschland die Abgeordneten zum Bundestag?
Who elects the members of the Bundestag in Germany?
The correct answer is 'das wahlberechtigte Volk' (the eligible voters). In Germany, the members of the Bundestag are elected by the eligible voters through general elections.
Deutschland ist …
Germany is …
Germany is a federal state. This means that it consists of several federal states that together form a unified nation, but also have their own powers and administrative units.
Deutschland ist …
Germany is …
The correct answer is 'a democratic and social federal state'. Germany is a democratic federal state, which means that there is a system of popular representation through elections and a social market economy that ensures social security and justice.
Was ist kein Bundesland der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?
Which is not a federal state of the Federal Republic of Germany?
The correct answer is 'Alsace-Lorraine'. Alsace-Lorraine is not one of the current federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was formerly a region that was returned to France after World War I. The other options are valid federal states of Germany.
Wie viele Bundesländer hat die Bundesrepublik Deutschland?
How many federal states does the Federal Republic of Germany have?
Germany has a total of 16 federal states. This includes both the original 10 federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany and the 6 new federal states that were added after reunification.
In Deutschland sind die meisten Erwerbstätigen …
In Germany, most employed people are …
The majority of employed people in Germany are employed by a company or public authority. This includes a wide range of jobs in various sectors of the economy and public service.
Was für eine Staatsform hat Deutschland?
What form of government does Germany have?
Germany is a republic. This means that the head of state is not determined by hereditary succession, but is usually elected. Germany is not a monarchy, dictatorship or principality.
Welches ist das Wappen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?
Which is the coat of arms of the Federal Republic of Germany?
The correct coat of arms of the Federal Republic of Germany is 'Image 1'. It shows a black eagle on a golden background, which has been used as a heraldic animal since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Eine Partei in Deutschland verfolgt das Ziel, eine Diktatur zu errichten. Sie ist dann …
A party in Germany that aims to establish a dictatorship is then ...
The correct answer is 'verfassungswidrig' (unconstitutional). In Germany, a political party that seeks to establish a dictatorship is considered unconstitutional because it aims to overthrow or undermine the democratic principles established by the constitution.
Was versteht man unter dem Recht der "Freizügigkeit" in Deutschland?
What is meant by the right of 'freedom of movement' in Germany?
The correct answer is 'Man darf sich seinen Wohnort selbst aussuchen.' (One is allowed to choose one's place of residence). In Germany, the right of 'freedom of movement' means that individuals can select their place of residence and move freely within the country.
Welches Grundrecht ist in Artikel 1 des Grundgesetzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland garantiert?
Which fundamental right is guaranteed in Article 1 of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany?
The correct answer is 'die Unantastbarkeit der Menschenwürde' (the inviolability of human dignity). Article 1 of the Basic Law of Germany guarantees the inviolability of human dignity as a fundamental right, making it the highest value in German constitutional law.
Die deutschen Gesetze verbieten …
German laws prohibit …
The correct answer is 'Ungleichbehandlung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger durch den Staat' (discrimination of citizens by the state). German laws prohibit the state from discriminating against citizens, thus ensuring equality and fairness.
Wann ist die Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland eingeschränkt?
When is freedom of speech restricted in Germany?
The correct answer is 'bei der öffentlichen Verbreitung falscher Behauptungen über Einzelne' (in the public dissemination of false claims about individuals). In Germany, freedom of speech is restricted to prevent defamation and protect individuals' reputations.