Learn: Leben in Deutschland

Question 285

Frau Frost arbeitet als fest angestellte Mitarbeiterin in einem Büro. Was muss sie nicht von ihrem Gehalt bezahlen?

  • Lohnsteuer
  • Beiträge zur Arbeitslosenversicherung
  • Beiträge zur Renten- und Krankenversicherung
  • Umsatzsteuer
Question 285

Ms. Frost works as a permanently employed staff member in an office. What does she not have to pay from her salary?

  • income tax
  • contributions to unemployment insurance
  • contributions to pension and health insurance
  • value-added tax (VAT)

The correct answer is 'Umsatzsteuer' (value-added tax, VAT). Frau Frost, as an employee, does not have to pay VAT from her salary. VAT is a consumption tax added to the cost of goods and services, not something deducted from wages. Employees do have to pay income tax, as well as contributions to health, pension, and unemployment insurance.

  • What is 'Umsatzsteuer'?
    'Umsatzsteuer' is the German term for value-added tax (VAT), which is a tax on goods and services and is not deducted from employees' salaries.
  • What contributions are typically deducted from an employee's salary in Germany?
    In Germany, typical deductions include income tax ('Lohnsteuer'), contributions to unemployment insurance, pension insurance, and health insurance.
  • Do employees in Germany pay VAT (Umsatzsteuer) directly from their salaries?
    No, VAT (Umsatzsteuer) is not deducted from salaries. It is added to the cost of goods and services, and consumers pay it when making purchases.
  • What taxes and insurance contributions are mandatory for employees in Germany?
    Employees in Germany must pay income tax, contributions to health, pension, and unemployment insurance from their salaries.
  • fest angestellte Mitarbeiterin: permanently employed staff member
  • Lohnsteuer: income tax
  • Arbeitslosenversicherung: unemployment insurance
  • Rentenversicherung: pension insurance
  • Krankenversicherung: health insurance
  • Umsatzsteuer: value-added tax (VAT)

Question 284

Was man für die Arbeit können muss, ändert sich in Zukunft sehr schnell. Was kann man tun?

  • Es ist egal, was man lernt.
  • Erwachsene müssen auch nach der Ausbildung immer weiter lernen.
  • Kinder lernen in der Schule alles, was im Beruf wichtig ist. Nach der Schule
  • Alle müssen früher aufhören zu arbeiten, weil sich alles ändert.
Question 284

What you need to know for work will change very quickly in the future. What can you do?

  • It doesn't matter what you learn.
  • Adults must continue learning even after their education.
  • Children learn everything important for work in school. After school
  • Everyone must stop working earlier because everything changes.

The correct answer is 'Erwachsene müssen auch nach der Ausbildung immer weiter lernen' (Adults must continue learning even after their education). As technology and the job market evolve quickly, it is essential for adults to engage in lifelong learning to stay current with the skills required for work.

  • Why is continuous learning important for adults?
    Continuous learning is important because the skills needed for work are rapidly changing due to technological advancements and evolving industries.
  • Is formal education enough for a career in the future?
    No, formal education is a foundation, but adults need to keep learning new skills to stay relevant in their professions as the workplace evolves.
  • What can adults do to keep up with changes in the job market?
    Adults can attend professional development courses, pursue further education, and engage in lifelong learning to adapt to changes in the job market.
  • Erwachsene: adults
  • Ausbildung: education/training
  • weiter lernen: continue learning
  • ändern: change

Question 283

Was tun Sie, wenn Sie eine falsche Rechnung von einer deutschen Behörde bekommen?

  • Ich lasse die Rechnung liegen.
  • Ich lege Widerspruch bei der Behörde ein.
  • Ich schicke die Rechnung an die Behörde zurück.
  • Ich gehe mit der Rechnung zum Finanzamt.
Question 283

What do you do if you receive an incorrect invoice from a German authority?

  • I leave the invoice aside.
  • I file an objection with the authority.
  • I send the invoice back to the authority.
  • I take the invoice to the tax office.

The correct answer is 'Ich lege Widerspruch bei der Behörde ein' (I file an objection with the authority). In Germany, if you receive an incorrect invoice from an authority, you should file a formal objection (Widerspruch) to have the issue reviewed and resolved.

  • What does 'Widerspruch' mean?
    'Widerspruch' means 'objection' or 'appeal.' In this context, it refers to formally contesting a decision or document from an authority.
  • What should you do if you receive an incorrect invoice from a German authority?
    If you receive an incorrect invoice, you should file an objection ('Widerspruch') with the authority to correct the mistake.
  • Can you simply ignore a wrong invoice?
    No, you should not ignore an incorrect invoice. It is important to formally address the issue by filing an objection.
  • What happens if you file a Widerspruch?
    If you file a Widerspruch, the authority will review your case and determine if the invoice needs to be corrected or canceled.
  • falsche Rechnung: incorrect invoice
  • Behörde: authority
  • Widerspruch: objection

Question 282

Welches Ehrenamt müssen deutsche Staatsbürgerinnen und Staatsbürger übernehmen, wenn sie dazu aufgefordert werden?

  • Vereinstrainerin/Vereinstrainer
  • Wahlhelferin/Wahlhelfer
  • Bibliotheksaufsicht
  • Lehrerin/Lehrer
Question 282

Which voluntary position must German citizens take on when they are asked to do so?

  • Club trainer
  • Election worker
  • Library supervision
  • Teacher

The correct answer is 'Wahlhelferin/Wahlhelfer' (election worker). In Germany, citizens may be called upon to serve as election workers during elections, and they are generally required to take up this role when asked by the authorities.

  • What is an 'Ehrenamt'?
    An 'Ehrenamt' is a voluntary position, often performed without pay, that benefits the community or society.
  • Are Germans required to take up certain voluntary roles?
    Yes, German citizens can be required to serve as election workers (Wahlhelfer) if requested by the authorities during elections.
  • What does an election worker ('Wahlhelfer') do?
    An election worker helps ensure that the voting process runs smoothly, from setting up polling stations to counting votes and assisting voters.
  • Can someone refuse to be an election worker?
    While it is generally expected that citizens fulfill this role if asked, exceptions may be made under certain circumstances, such as health or personal reasons.
  • Ehrenamt: voluntary position
  • Staatsbürgerinnen und Staatsbürger: female and male citizens
  • Wahlhelferin/Wahlhelfer: election worker

Question 281

Zwei Freunde wollen in ein öffentliches Schwimmbad in Deutschland. Beide haben eine dunkle Hautfarbe und werden deshalb nicht hineingelassen. Welches Recht wird in dieser Situation verletzt? Das Recht auf …

  • Meinungsfreiheit
  • Gleichbehandlung
  • Versammlungsfreiheit
  • Freizügigkeit
Question 281

Two friends want to go to a public swimming pool in Germany. Both have dark skin and are therefore not allowed in. Which right is violated in this situation? The right to …

  • freedom of speech
  • equal treatment
  • freedom of assembly
  • freedom of movement

The correct answer is 'Gleichbehandlung' (equal treatment). In this situation, refusing entry based on skin color is a violation of the right to equal treatment, which is protected by anti-discrimination laws in Germany.

  • What is 'Gleichbehandlung'?
    'Gleichbehandlung' means 'equal treatment,' which ensures that all individuals are treated equally regardless of characteristics such as race, gender, or religion.
  • Why is refusing entry based on skin color a violation of rights?
    Refusing entry based on skin color is discriminatory and violates the right to equal treatment, which is protected under anti-discrimination laws in Germany.
  • What can someone do if they face discrimination in Germany?
    If someone faces discrimination in Germany, they can report the incident to the Anti-Discrimination Office ('Antidiskriminierungsstelle') and seek legal action.
  • Is equal treatment a constitutional right in Germany?
    Yes, equal treatment is protected by the German constitution, ensuring that no one is discriminated against based on personal characteristics.
  • Gleichbehandlung: equal treatment
  • Meinungsfreiheit: freedom of speech
  • Versammlungsfreiheit: freedom of assembly
  • Freizügigkeit: freedom of movement

Question 280

Wenn Sie sich in Deutschland gegen einen falschen Steuerbescheid wehren wollen, müssen Sie …

  • nichts machen.
  • den Bescheid wegwerfen.
  • Einspruch einlegen.
  • warten, bis ein anderer Bescheid kommt.
Question 280

If you want to contest an incorrect tax notice in Germany, you must …

  • do nothing.
  • throw the notice away.
  • file an objection.
  • wait until another notice arrives.

The correct answer is 'Einspruch einlegen' (file an objection). If you want to contest an incorrect tax notice in Germany, you must formally file an objection ('Einspruch') within a specific time frame, usually one month.

  • What is a 'Steuerbescheid'?
    A 'Steuerbescheid' is a tax assessment notice issued by the tax authorities in Germany, stating how much tax you owe.
  • What should you do if you receive an incorrect tax notice in Germany?
    If you receive an incorrect tax notice, you should file an objection ('Einspruch einlegen') to challenge the assessment.
  • How long do you have to file an objection against a tax notice?
    In Germany, you typically have one month from the date of the notice to file an objection.
  • Can you just ignore a tax notice?
    No, ignoring a tax notice can lead to legal consequences. It is important to address any issues by filing an objection if necessary.
  • Steuerbescheid: tax assessment notice
  • wehren: contest
  • Einspruch einlegen: file an objection

Question 279

In den meisten Mietshäusern in Deutschland gibt es eine "Hausordnung". Was steht in einer solchen "Hausordnung"? Sie nennt …

  • Regeln für die Benutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel.
  • alle Mieterinnen und Mieter im Haus.
  • Regeln, an die sich alle Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner halten müssen.
  • die Adresse des nächsten Ordnungsamtes.
Question 279

In most rental buildings in Germany, there is a 'Hausordnung.' What is stated in such a 'Hausordnung'? It specifies …

  • Rules for the use of public transportation.
  • all tenants in the house.
  • rules that all residents must follow.
  • the address of the nearest public order office.

The correct answer is 'Regeln, an die sich alle Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner halten müssen' (rules that all residents must follow). A 'Hausordnung' outlines rules that residents in a rental property must adhere to, such as quiet hours, waste disposal regulations, and the use of shared spaces.

  • What is a 'Hausordnung'?
    A 'Hausordnung' is a set of rules in apartment buildings or rental properties that residents must follow, covering topics like quiet hours, waste disposal, and shared space usage.
  • Why is a 'Hausordnung' important?
    The 'Hausordnung' ensures that everyone in the building follows the same rules, helping to maintain order and resolve potential conflicts among residents.
  • Does a 'Hausordnung' list all tenants?
    No, a 'Hausordnung' does not list the tenants. It outlines the rules residents must follow in the building.
  • Can the rules in a 'Hausordnung' vary between buildings?
    Yes, the rules in a 'Hausordnung' can vary depending on the landlord and the specific needs of the building.
  • Hausordnung: house rules
  • Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner: female and male residents
  • Mietshaus: rental house

Question 278

Ein Mann im Rollstuhl hat sich auf eine Stelle als Buchhalter beworben. Was ist ein Beispiel für Diskriminierung? Er bekommt die Stelle nur deshalb nicht, weil er …

  • im Rollstuhl sitzt.
  • keine Erfahrung hat.
  • zu hohe Gehaltsvorstellungen hat.
  • kein Englisch spricht.
Question 278

A man in a wheelchair has applied for a job as a bookkeeper. What is an example of discrimination? He does not get the job only because he …

  • is in a wheelchair.
  • has no experience.
  • has salary expectations that are too high.
  • does not speak English.

The correct answer is 'im Rollstuhl sitzt' (is in a wheelchair). Denying someone a job solely because they use a wheelchair is a clear example of discrimination, as it is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the job as a bookkeeper.

  • What is discrimination in the context of employment?
    Discrimination in employment occurs when an individual is treated unfairly or denied opportunities based on characteristics such as disability, race, or gender, rather than qualifications or performance.
  • Is it legal to deny someone a job because of their disability in Germany?
    No, it is illegal to deny someone a job based on their disability. Germany has anti-discrimination laws that protect individuals from such unfair treatment.
  • What can someone do if they face discrimination in the hiring process in Germany?
    If someone faces discrimination, they can file a complaint with the Anti-Discrimination Office ('Antidiskriminierungsstelle') or seek legal recourse.
  • What are valid reasons for rejecting a job applicant?
    Valid reasons for rejecting a job applicant include lack of experience, not meeting the required skills, or salary expectations that do not align with the company's budget.
  • Rollstuhl: wheelchair
  • Buchhalter: bookkeeper
  • Diskriminierung: discrimination

Question 277

Eine Frau, die ein zweijähriges Kind hat, bewirbt sich in Deutschland um eine Stelle. Was ist ein Beispiel für Diskriminierung? Sie bekommt die Stelle nur deshalb nicht, weil sie …

  • kein Englisch spricht.
  • zu hohe Gehaltsvorstellungen hat.
  • keine Erfahrungen in diesem Beruf hat.
  • Mutter ist.
Question 277

A woman with a two-year-old child applies for a job in Germany. What is an example of discrimination? She does not get the job only because she …

  • does not speak English.
  • has salary expectations that are too high.
  • has no experience in this profession.
  • is a mother.

The correct answer is 'Mutter ist' (is a mother). Denying someone a job solely because they are a mother is a form of discrimination based on family status, which is illegal in Germany. Employers cannot reject candidates solely because of their parental responsibilities.

  • What is discrimination based on family status?
    Discrimination based on family status occurs when someone is treated unfairly or denied opportunities solely because of their role as a parent, such as being a mother.
  • Is it legal to deny someone a job because they are a parent in Germany?
    No, it is illegal to deny someone a job based on their parental status. Discrimination against parents, particularly mothers, is prohibited under German law.
  • What can a person do if they are discriminated against for being a parent?
    If someone faces discrimination for being a parent, they can file a complaint with the Anti-Discrimination Office ('Antidiskriminierungsstelle') or pursue legal action.
  • What are acceptable reasons to reject a job applicant?
    Acceptable reasons for rejecting a job applicant include lack of experience, not meeting required skills, or having salary expectations that exceed the company's budget.
  • Mutter: mother
  • Diskriminierung: discrimination
  • Erfahrungen: experience

Question 276

Was sollten Sie tun, wenn Sie von Ihrer Ansprechpartnerin/Ihrem Ansprechpartner in einer deutschen Behörde schlecht behandelt werden?

  • Ich kann nichts tun.
  • Ich muss mir diese Behandlung gefallen lassen.
  • Ich drohe der Person.
  • Ich kann mich bei der Behördenleiterin/beim Behördenleiter beschweren.
Question 276

What should you do if you are treated poorly by your contact person in a German authority?

  • I can't do anything.
  • I have to tolerate this treatment.
  • I threaten the person.
  • I can file a complaint with the authority's supervisor.

The correct answer is 'Ich kann mich bei der Behördenleiterin/beim Behördenleiter beschweren' (I can file a complaint with the authority's supervisor). In Germany, if you feel mistreated by a government official, you have the right to file a formal complaint with the authority's management to address the issue.

  • What can you do if you are treated poorly by a government official in Germany?
    If you are treated poorly by a government official, you can file a formal complaint with the authority's supervisor or management.
  • Do you have to tolerate poor treatment from government officials in Germany?
    No, you do not have to tolerate poor treatment. You have the right to file a complaint if you feel you are being treated unfairly.
  • Is it advisable to threaten government officials if they treat you poorly?
    No, it is not advisable to threaten anyone, especially government officials. Instead, follow the correct procedures by filing a complaint.
  • Ansprechpartnerin/Ansprechpartner: contact person (female/male)
  • Behörde: authority
  • beschweren: complain

Question 275

Was braucht man in Deutschland für eine Ehescheidung?

  • die Einwilligung der Eltern
  • ein Attest einer Ärztin/eines Arztes
  • die Einwilligung der Kinder
  • die Unterstützung einer Anwältin/eines Anwalts
Question 275

What do you need for a divorce in Germany?

  • the consent of the parents
  • a medical certificate from a doctor
  • the consent of the children
  • the support of a lawyer

The correct answer is 'die Unterstützung einer Anwältin/eines Anwalts' (the support of a lawyer). In Germany, a lawyer is required to handle the legal aspects of a divorce, as the process involves court proceedings and legal documentation.

  • Do you need parental consent for a divorce in Germany?
    No, parental consent is not required for a divorce in Germany.
  • Is a medical certificate required for a divorce in Germany?
    No, a medical certificate is not required for a divorce in Germany.
  • Is children's consent needed for a divorce in Germany?
    No, the consent of the children is not required for a divorce in Germany.
  • Do you need a lawyer for a divorce in Germany?
    Yes, in Germany, you need the support of a lawyer to handle a divorce.
  • Ehescheidung: divorce
  • Einwilligung: consent
  • Anwältin/Anwalt: female lawyer/male lawyer

Question 274

Sie haben in Deutschland absichtlich einen Brief geöffnet, der an eine andere Person adressiert ist. Was haben Sie nicht beachtet?

  • das Schweigerecht
  • das Briefgeheimnis
  • die Schweigepflicht
  • die Meinungsfreiheit
Question 274

You have intentionally opened a letter in Germany that is addressed to another person. What have you violated?

  • the right to remain silent
  • the secrecy of correspondence
  • the duty of confidentiality
  • the freedom of speech

The correct answer is 'das Briefgeheimnis' (the secrecy of correspondence). In Germany, opening a letter that is addressed to someone else without their consent is a violation of the 'Briefgeheimnis,' which is a protected right ensuring the privacy of personal communication.

  • What is 'Briefgeheimnis'?
    'Briefgeheimnis' refers to the secrecy of correspondence, which protects letters and other forms of communication from being opened or read by anyone other than the intended recipient.
  • Is it illegal to open someone else's mail in Germany?
    Yes, it is illegal to open someone else's mail in Germany without permission. This violates the 'Briefgeheimnis' (secrecy of correspondence).
  • What are the consequences of violating the 'Briefgeheimnis' in Germany?
    Violating the 'Briefgeheimnis' can result in legal consequences, including fines or imprisonment, as it is considered a breach of privacy.
  • absichtlich: intentionally
  • Briefgeheimnis: secrecy of correspondence
  • Schweigepflicht: duty of confidentiality
  • Meinungsfreiheit: freedom of speech

Question 273

Bei Erziehungsproblemen gehen Sie in Deutschland …

  • zur Ärztin/zum Arzt.
  • zum Gesundheitsamt.
  • zum Einwohnermeldeamt.
  • zum Jugendamt.
Question 273

For parenting problems, in Germany, you go to …

  • to the doctor.
  • to the health office.
  • to the registration office.
  • to the youth welfare office.

The correct answer is 'zum Jugendamt' (to the youth welfare office). In Germany, if you are facing parenting problems, the Jugendamt is the appropriate authority to contact for assistance and support with child welfare issues.

  • What is the 'Jugendamt' in Germany?
    The 'Jugendamt' is the youth welfare office in Germany that provides support and services for families, including help with parenting and child welfare issues.
  • When should you contact the Jugendamt?
    You should contact the Jugendamt if you are facing problems with raising your children or need assistance with child welfare matters.
  • Can the Jugendamt take legal action to protect children?
    Yes, the Jugendamt has the authority to take legal action if a child's welfare is at risk and can provide necessary interventions.
  • Erziehungsproblemen: parenting problems
  • Jugendamt: youth welfare office
  • Gesundheitsamt: health office
  • Einwohnermeldeamt: registration office

Question 272

Welche Lebensform ist in Deutschland nicht erlaubt?

  • Mann und Frau sind geschieden und leben mit neuen Partnern zusammen.
  • Zwei Frauen leben zusammen.
  • Ein alleinerziehender Vater lebt mit seinen zwei Kindern zusammen.
  • Ein Mann ist mit zwei Frauen zur selben Zeit verheiratet.
Question 272

Which living arrangement is not allowed in Germany?

  • A man and woman are divorced and live with new partners.
  • Two women live together.
  • A single father lives with his two children.
  • A man is married to two women at the same time.

The correct answer is 'Ein Mann ist mit zwei Frauen zur selben Zeit verheiratet.' (A man is married to two women at the same time.) Polygamy is not allowed in Germany. The law only recognizes marriages between two individuals at the same time.

  • Is polygamy legal in Germany?
    No, polygamy is illegal in Germany. A person cannot be married to more than one person at the same time.
  • Can two women live together in Germany?
    Yes, two women can live together in Germany. Same-sex relationships are legally recognized.
  • Is it legal for divorced people to live with new partners in Germany?
    Yes, divorced individuals can live with new partners in Germany. This is a legally accepted living arrangement.
  • Can a single father live with his children in Germany?
    Yes, a single father living with his children is a completely legal and accepted family structure in Germany.
  • Lebensform: lifestyle/living arrangement
  • nicht erlaubt: not allowed
  • geschieden: divorced
  • alleinerziehender Vater: single father

Question 271

Was ist in Deutschland ein Brauch zu Weihnachten?

  • bunte Eier verstecken
  • einen Tannenbaum schmücken
  • sich mit Masken und Kostümen verkleiden
  • Kürbisse vor die Tür stellen
Question 271

What is a Christmas tradition in Germany?

  • hide colorful eggs
  • decorate a Christmas tree
  • dress up with masks and costumes
  • place pumpkins in front of the door

The correct answer is 'einen Tannenbaum schmücken' (decorate a Christmas tree). In Germany, one of the most well-known Christmas traditions is decorating a Christmas tree with ornaments and lights during the holiday season.

  • What is a traditional Christmas custom in Germany?
    A traditional Christmas custom in Germany is decorating a Christmas tree ('Tannenbaum schmücken').
  • Do people in Germany hide colorful eggs at Christmas?
    No, hiding colorful eggs is an Easter tradition, not a Christmas custom.
  • Do Germans place pumpkins in front of the door for Christmas?
    No, placing pumpkins in front of the door is associated with Halloween, not Christmas.
  • Do people in Germany dress up with masks and costumes for Christmas?
    No, dressing up with masks and costumes is more common during Carnival, not Christmas.
  • Brauch: custom/tradition
  • Weihnachten: Christmas
  • Tannenbaum: Christmas tree
  • schmücken: decorate
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