Was verbietet das deutsche Grundgesetz?
What does the German Basic Law prohibit?
The correct answer is 'Zwangsarbeit' (forced labor). The German Basic Law explicitly prohibits forced labor to protect individual freedom and rights.
Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland heißt zum Beispiel, dass ich …
Freedom of speech in Germany means, for example, that I ...
The correct answer is 'meine Meinung im Internet äußern kann' (can express my opinion on the internet). While freedom of speech in Germany allows for the expression of opinions, it does not permit hate speech or the public display of extremist symbols.
Im Parlament steht der Begriff 'Opposition' für …
In Parliament, the term 'Opposition' refers to ...
The correct answer is 'alle Abgeordneten, die nicht zu der Regierungspartei/den Regierungsparteien gehören' (all representatives who do not belong to the ruling party/parties). In a parliamentary system, the Opposition consists of those who are not part of the current government administration.
Eine Partei im Deutschen Bundestag will die Pressefreiheit abschaffen. Ist das möglich?
A party in the German Bundestag wants to abolish freedom of the press. Is that possible?
The correct answer is 'Nein, denn die Pressefreiheit ist ein Grundrecht. Sie kann nicht abgeschafft werden' (No, because freedom of the press is a fundamental right. It cannot be abolished). Fundamental rights such as freedom of the press are enshrined in the German constitution and cannot be abolished or restricted by any legislative body alone.
Wie wird die Verfassung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland genannt?
What is the name of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany?
The correct answer is 'Grundgesetz' (Basic Law). The constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany is called the Basic Law, which serves as the fundamental legal framework for the country's democratic system and protection of human rights.
Was ist mit dem deutschen Grundgesetz vereinbar?
What is compatible with the German Basic Law?
The correct answer is 'die Geldstrafe' (fine). The German Basic Law permits fines as a legal form of punishment but prohibits corporal punishment, torture, and the death penalty, all of which are considered violations of human rights.
Welches Grundrecht gilt in Deutschland nur für Ausländerinnen/ Ausländer? Das Grundrecht auf …
Which fundamental right in Germany applies only to foreigners? The right to ...
The correct answer is 'Asyl' (asylum). The right to asylum is a specific legal protection in Germany that is granted only to foreigners seeking refuge from persecution. Other rights like protection of the family, dignity, and freedom of speech apply to both citizens and foreigners.
Was steht nicht im Grundgesetz von Deutschland?
What is not included in the Basic Law of Germany?
The correct answer is 'Alle sollen gleich viel Geld haben.' (Everyone should have the same amount of money). The German Basic Law does not guarantee equal wealth distribution; instead, it protects human dignity, freedom of opinion, and equal treatment before the law.
Welches Recht gehört zu den Grundrechten, die nach der deutschen Verfassung garantiert werden? Das Recht auf …
Which right is part of the fundamental rights guaranteed by the German constitution? The right to ...
The correct answer is 'Glaubens - und Gewissensfreiheit' (freedom of belief and conscience). This right is guaranteed by the German constitution as part of the fundamental rights, while entertainment, work, and housing are not specifically guaranteed in the same way.
Wie heißt die deutsche Verfassung?
What is the name of the German constitution?
The correct answer is 'Grundgesetz' (Basic Law). This is the official name of the German constitution, which serves as the foundation of the legal and political system in Germany.
Wahlen in Deutschland sind frei. Was bedeutet das?
Elections in Germany are free. What does that mean?
The correct answer is 'Die Wählerin/der Wähler darf bei der Wahl weder beeinflusst noch zu einer bestimmten Stimmabgabe gezwungen werden und keine Nachteile durch die Wahl haben.' This means that in Germany, elections are free, meaning that voters must not be influenced or coerced and should not face any disadvantages due to their vote.
Welches Recht gehört zu den Grundrechten in Deutschland?
Which right is included in the fundamental rights in Germany?
The correct answer is 'Meinungsfreiheit' (Freedom of expression). In Germany, this right is protected as a fundamental right, allowing individuals to express their opinions freely without undue interference.
Deutschland ist ein Rechtsstaat. Was ist damit gemeint?
Germany is a rule of law state. What does that mean?
The correct answer is 'Alle Einwohnerinnen/Einwohner und der Staat müssen sich an die Gesetze' (All residents and the state must adhere to the laws). In a rule of law state like Germany, everyone, including the state, is subject to the law, ensuring that no one is above it.
In Deutschland können Eltern bis zum 14. Lebensjahr ihres Kindes entscheiden, ob es in der Schule am …
In Germany, parents can decide until their child is 14 years old whether they participate in religious education at school. What is this about?
The correct answer is 'Religionsunterricht teilnimmt' (religious classes). In Germany, parents can decide whether their child participates in religious education classes at school up until the child turns 14 years old.
In Deutschland dürfen Menschen offen etwas gegen die Regierung sagen, weil …
In Germany, people are allowed to openly criticize the government because …
The correct answer is 'Meinungsfreiheit gilt' (freedom of speech applies here). In Germany, people are allowed to openly express their opinions and criticisms against the government due to the protection of freedom of speech enshrined in the German Constitution.