In welchem anderen Land gibt es eine große deutschsprachige Bevölkerung?
In which other country is there a large German-speaking population?
The correct answer is 'Österreich' (Austria). Austria has a large German-speaking population, as German is the official language of the country.
Was bedeutet die Abkürzung EU?
What does the abbreviation EU stand for?
The correct answer is 'Europäische Union' (European Union). The abbreviation EU refers to the European Union, a political and economic union of member states located primarily in Europe.
Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?
Which country is a neighboring country of Germany?
The correct answer is 'Polen' (Poland). Poland is one of Germany's neighboring countries, sharing a border to the east.
Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?
Which country is a neighboring country of Germany?
The correct answer is 'Schweiz' (Switzerland). Switzerland is a neighboring country of Germany, sharing a border to the south.
Deutschland ist Mitglied des Schengener Abkommens. Was bedeutet das?
Germany is a member of the Schengen Agreement. What does this mean?
The correct answer is 'Deutsche können in viele Länder Europas ohne Passkontrolle reisen.' (Germans can travel to many European countries without passport control.) The Schengen Agreement allows for free movement across many European countries without the need for passport checks at the borders.
Der 27. Januar ist in Deutschland ein offizieller Gedenktag. Woran erinnert dieser Tag?
The 27th of January is an official day of remembrance in Germany. What does this day commemorate?
The correct answer is 'an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus (Tag der Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz)' (to the victims of National Socialism, specifically the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp). This day is a remembrance of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust and honors the victims.
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat die Grenzen von heute seit …
The Federal Republic of Germany has had its current borders since …
The correct answer is '1990.' Germany's current borders were established in 1990 after the reunification of East and West Germany, bringing together the German Democratic Republic (DDR) and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG).
Wie viele Bundesländer kamen bei der Wiedervereinigung 1990 zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland hinzu?
How many federal states were added to the Federal Republic of Germany during reunification in 1990?
The correct answer is '5.' In 1990, five new federal states (Bundesländer) were added to the Federal Republic of Germany as a result of reunification. These states are Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia.
In welchem Zeitraum gab es die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)?
In what period did the German Democratic Republic (DDR) exist?
The correct answer is '1949 bis 1990' (1949 to 1990). The Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) existed from 1949 until German reunification in 1990, after decades of separation between East and West Germany.
Welches Symbol ist im Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestages zu sehen?
Which symbol is visible in the plenary hall of the German Bundestag?
The correct answer is 'der Bundesadler' (the Federal Eagle). The Bundesadler is the symbol displayed in the plenary hall of the German Bundestag and represents the Federal Republic of Germany.
Wer wird als "Kanzler der Deutschen Einheit" bezeichnet?
Who is referred to as the 'Chancellor of German Unity'?
The correct answer is 'Helmut Kohl.' Helmut Kohl is often referred to as the 'Chancellor of German Unity' because of his leadership during the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.
Welche Farben hat die deutsche Flagge?
What are the colors of the German flag?
The correct answer is 'schwarz-rot-gold' (black-red-gold). These are the colors of the current German flag, symbolizing unity and freedom.
Wie viele Einwohner hat Deutschland?
How many inhabitants does Germany have?
The correct answer is '84 Millionen' (84 million). Germany currently has a population of approximately 84 million people, making it the most populous country in the European Union.
Wie heißt Deutschland mit vollem Namen?
What is Germany's full name?
The correct answer is 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland' (Federal Republic of Germany). This is the official name of Germany, reflecting its structure as a federal state with a republican form of government.
Welcher Politiker steht für die "Ostverträge"?
Which politician is associated with the 'Ostverträge'?
The correct answer is 'Willy Brandt.' Willy Brandt, the Chancellor of West Germany, is most closely associated with the 'Ostverträge,' which were treaties aimed at normalizing relations with Eastern European countries during the Cold War.