Learn: Leben in Deutschland

Question 225

In welchem anderen Land gibt es eine große deutschsprachige Bevölkerung?

  • Tschechien
  • Norwegen
  • Spanien
  • Österreich
Question 225

In which other country is there a large German-speaking population?

  • Czech Republic
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • Austria

The correct answer is 'Österreich' (Austria). Austria has a large German-speaking population, as German is the official language of the country.

  • Which other country has a large German-speaking population?
    Austria has a large German-speaking population as German is the official language of the country.
  • Is German widely spoken in Norway?
    No, German is not widely spoken in Norway. Norwegian is the primary language spoken there.
  • Are there significant German-speaking communities in Spain?
    No, Spain does not have a large German-speaking population, although there may be small expatriate communities.
  • deutschsprachig: German-speaking
  • Bevölkerung: population
  • Österreich: Austria

Question 224

Was bedeutet die Abkürzung EU?

  • Europäische Unternehmen
  • Europäische Union
  • Einheitliche Union
  • Euro Union
Question 224

What does the abbreviation EU stand for?

  • European Enterprises
  • European Union
  • Unified Union
  • Euro Union

The correct answer is 'Europäische Union' (European Union). The abbreviation EU refers to the European Union, a political and economic union of member states located primarily in Europe.

  • What does the abbreviation EU stand for?
    The abbreviation EU stands for 'Europäische Union' (European Union), an economic and political union of European countries.
  • Does EU stand for 'Europäische Unternehmen'?
    No, EU stands for 'Europäische Union,' not 'Europäische Unternehmen.'
  • Is the EU a unified union or a political and economic union?
    The EU is a political and economic union of European countries, not just a 'unified union.'
  • Abkürzung: abbreviation
  • Europäische Union: European Union
  • Unternehmen: enterprises

Question 223

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

  • Rumänien
  • Bulgarien
  • Polen
  • Griechenland
Question 223

Which country is a neighboring country of Germany?

  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Poland
  • Greece

The correct answer is 'Polen' (Poland). Poland is one of Germany's neighboring countries, sharing a border to the east.

  • Is Poland a neighboring country of Germany?
    Yes, Poland is a neighboring country of Germany, located to the east.
  • Does Germany share a border with Romania or Bulgaria?
    No, Germany does not share a border with Romania or Bulgaria.
  • Is Greece a neighboring country of Germany?
    No, Greece is not a neighboring country of Germany.
  • Nachbarland: neighboring country
  • Deutschland: Germany
  • Polen: Poland

Question 222

Welches Land ist ein Nachbarland von Deutschland?

  • Ungarn
  • Portugal
  • Spanien
  • Schweiz
Question 222

Which country is a neighboring country of Germany?

  • Hungary
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Switzerland

The correct answer is 'Schweiz' (Switzerland). Switzerland is a neighboring country of Germany, sharing a border to the south.

  • Is Switzerland a neighboring country of Germany?
    Yes, Switzerland is a neighboring country of Germany, located to the south.
  • Is Hungary a neighboring country of Germany?
    No, Hungary is not a neighboring country of Germany. It is located further to the southeast in Europe.
  • Does Germany share a border with Portugal or Spain?
    No, Germany does not share a border with Portugal or Spain.
  • Nachbarland: neighboring country
  • Schweiz: Switzerland
  • Deutschland: Germany

Question 221

Deutschland ist Mitglied des Schengener Abkommens. Was bedeutet das?

  • Deutsche können in viele Länder Europas ohne Passkontrolle reisen.
  • Alle Menschen können ohne Personenkontrolle in Deutschland einreisen.
  • Deutsche können ohne Passkontrolle in jedes Land reisen.
  • Deutsche können in jedem Land mit dem Euro bezahlen.
Question 221

Germany is a member of the Schengen Agreement. What does this mean?

  • Germans can travel to many European countries without passport control.
  • Everyone can enter Germany without any identity checks.
  • Germans can travel to any country without passport control.
  • Germans can pay with the Euro in every country.

The correct answer is 'Deutsche können in viele Länder Europas ohne Passkontrolle reisen.' (Germans can travel to many European countries without passport control.) The Schengen Agreement allows for free movement across many European countries without the need for passport checks at the borders.

  • What is the Schengen Agreement?
    The Schengen Agreement is a treaty that allows passport-free travel across many European countries, including Germany.
  • Can Germans travel to any country without passport control?
    No, the Schengen Agreement allows for passport-free travel within the Schengen Area, not to every country in the world.
  • Does the Schengen Agreement mean everyone can enter Germany without identity checks?
    No, the Schengen Agreement removes passport control for travelers within the Schengen Area, but other identity checks may still apply.
  • Does the Schengen Agreement relate to the use of the Euro?
    No, the Schengen Agreement is about border control and passport-free travel, not about currency use.
  • Schengener Abkommen: Schengen Agreement
  • Passkontrolle: passport control
  • einreisen: to enter

Question 220

Der 27. Januar ist in Deutschland ein offizieller Gedenktag. Woran erinnert dieser Tag?

  • an das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges
  • an die Verabschiedung des Grundgesetzes
  • an die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands
  • an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus (Tag der Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz)
Question 220

The 27th of January is an official day of remembrance in Germany. What does this day commemorate?

  • to the end of World War II
  • to the adoption of the Basic Law
  • to the reunification of Germany
  • to the victims of National Socialism (Day of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp)

The correct answer is 'an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus (Tag der Befreiung des Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz)' (to the victims of National Socialism, specifically the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp). This day is a remembrance of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust and honors the victims.

  • What does the 27th of January commemorate in Germany?
    The 27th of January in Germany commemorates the victims of National Socialism, specifically marking the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.
  • Is the 27th of January the day marking the end of World War II?
    No, the 27th of January specifically commemorates the victims of National Socialism, not the end of World War II.
  • Does the 27th of January commemorate German reunification?
    No, the 27th of January commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz and the victims of National Socialism, not the reunification of Germany.
  • Gedenktag: day of remembrance
  • Opfer: victims
  • Nationalsozialismus: National Socialism
  • Befreiung: liberation
  • Vernichtungslager: extermination camp

Question 219

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland hat die Grenzen von heute seit …

  • 1933
  • 1949
  • 1971
  • 1990
Question 219

The Federal Republic of Germany has had its current borders since …

  • 1933
  • 1949
  • 1971
  • 1990

The correct answer is '1990.' Germany's current borders were established in 1990 after the reunification of East and West Germany, bringing together the German Democratic Republic (DDR) and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG).

  • Since when has Germany had its current borders?
    Germany has had its current borders since 1990, following the reunification of East and West Germany.
  • Did Germany's borders change in 1949?
    In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) was established, but the current borders were established after reunification in 1990.
  • Were the current borders of Germany established in 1933?
    No, 1933 marks the rise of the Nazi regime, not the establishment of Germany's current borders.
  • Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Federal Republic of Germany
  • Grenzen: borders

Question 218

Wie viele Bundesländer kamen bei der Wiedervereinigung 1990 zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland hinzu?

  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
Question 218

How many federal states were added to the Federal Republic of Germany during reunification in 1990?

  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

The correct answer is '5.' In 1990, five new federal states (Bundesländer) were added to the Federal Republic of Germany as a result of reunification. These states are Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia.

  • How many federal states were added to the Federal Republic of Germany during reunification?
    Five federal states (Bundesländer) were added to the Federal Republic of Germany during reunification in 1990.
  • Which federal states were added during German reunification?
    The five federal states added during reunification were Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia.
  • Was the number of added federal states during reunification 4 or 6?
    No, five federal states were added to Germany during reunification in 1990.
  • Wiedervereinigung: reunification
  • Bundesländer: federal states
  • hinzu: added

Question 217

In welchem Zeitraum gab es die Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)?

  • 1919 bis 1927
  • 1933 bis 1945
  • 1945 bis 1961
  • 1949 bis 1990
Question 217

In what period did the German Democratic Republic (DDR) exist?

  • 1919 to 1927
  • 1933 to 1945
  • 1945 to 1961
  • 1949 to 1990

The correct answer is '1949 bis 1990' (1949 to 1990). The Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) existed from 1949 until German reunification in 1990, after decades of separation between East and West Germany.

  • What is the DDR?
    The Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR), or German Democratic Republic, was a socialist state established in 1949 in the eastern part of Germany, aligned with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  • What led to the creation of the DDR?
    The DDR was created after World War II when Germany was divided into East and West. The Soviet-controlled East became the DDR, while the West became the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG).
  • What was life like in the DDR?
    Life in the DDR was characterized by strict state control, surveillance by the secret police (Stasi), and limited personal freedoms. However, it also provided state-funded education, healthcare, and employment.
  • What caused the fall of the DDR?
    The fall of the DDR was triggered by growing political unrest, demands for democratic reforms, and the opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989, leading to reunification with West Germany in 1990.
  • What is the legacy of the DDR today?
    The DDR's legacy includes cultural and political influences that remain in eastern Germany, such as Ostalgie (nostalgia for the East), as well as the scars of political repression and division during the Cold War.
  • Zeitraum: period
  • Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR): German Democratic Republic (DDR)
  • Wiedervereinigung: reunification

Question 216

Welches Symbol ist im Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestages zu sehen?

Question Image
  • der Bundesadler
  • die Fahne der Stadt Berlin
  • der Reichsadler
  • die Reichskrone
Question 216

Which symbol is visible in the plenary hall of the German Bundestag?

Question Image
  • the Federal Eagle
  • the flag of the city of Berlin
  • the Imperial Eagle
  • the Imperial Crown

The correct answer is 'der Bundesadler' (the Federal Eagle). The Bundesadler is the symbol displayed in the plenary hall of the German Bundestag and represents the Federal Republic of Germany.

  • What is the Bundesadler?
    The Bundesadler, or Federal Eagle, is the symbol of the Federal Republic of Germany. It is prominently displayed in the plenary hall of the Bundestag, symbolizing the sovereignty of Germany.
  • What does the Federal Eagle represent?
    The Federal Eagle represents the power and unity of the German state. It is one of the oldest symbols of Germany, dating back to the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Is the Reichsadler still used in modern Germany?
    No, the Reichsadler, associated with the German Empire and later with Nazi Germany, is no longer used. It has been replaced by the Bundesadler, which represents the democratic Federal Republic.
  • What is the significance of the symbol in the Bundestag?
    The presence of the Bundesadler in the Bundestag emphasizes Germany's continuity as a federal, democratic state and its connection to historic symbols of unity and power.
  • Plenarsaal: plenary hall
  • Bundesadler: Federal Eagle
  • Deutscher Bundestag: German Bundestag

Question 215

Wer wird als "Kanzler der Deutschen Einheit" bezeichnet?

  • Gerhard Schröder
  • Helmut Kohl
  • Konrad Adenauer
  • Helmut Schmidt
Question 215

Who is referred to as the 'Chancellor of German Unity'?

  • Gerhard Schröder
  • Helmut Kohl
  • Konrad Adenauer
  • Helmut Schmidt

The correct answer is 'Helmut Kohl.' Helmut Kohl is often referred to as the 'Chancellor of German Unity' because of his leadership during the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.

  • Why is Helmut Kohl referred to as the 'Kanzler der Deutschen Einheit' (Chancellor of German Unity)?
    Helmut Kohl is known as the 'Kanzler der Deutschen Einheit' because of his pivotal role in the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.
  • What were some of Helmut Kohl's contributions to German reunification?
    Helmut Kohl played a significant role in the negotiations with both Eastern and Western powers, facilitating the peaceful reunification of Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
  • Who was Chancellor before Helmut Kohl?
    Helmut Schmidt was Chancellor before Helmut Kohl, serving from 1974 to 1982.
  • Did Konrad Adenauer have a role in German reunification?
    No, Konrad Adenauer was the first Chancellor of West Germany after World War II and played a key role in post-war recovery, but reunification occurred later under Helmut Kohl.
  • Kanzler: Chancellor
  • Deutsche Einheit: German Unity

Question 214

Welche Farben hat die deutsche Flagge?

  • schwarz-rot-gold
  • rot-weiß-schwarz
  • schwarz-rot-grün
  • schwarz-gelb-rot
Question 214

What are the colors of the German flag?

  • black-red-gold
  • red-white-black
  • black-red-green
  • black-yellow-red

The correct answer is 'schwarz-rot-gold' (black-red-gold). These are the colors of the current German flag, symbolizing unity and freedom.

  • What are the colors of the German flag?
    The colors of the German flag are black, red, and gold.
  • What do the colors of the German flag represent?
    The black, red, and gold colors are symbols of unity and freedom, dating back to the early 19th century and the liberation movements.
  • Has the German flag always had these colors?
    No, the colors of the German flag have changed throughout history. The black, red, and gold tricolor was adopted after World War II to symbolize a democratic Germany.
  • Why is the flag sometimes confused with other color combinations?
    The confusion often arises due to the different flags used during Germany's imperial and Nazi periods, which featured different color combinations, such as red-white-black.
  • schwarz: black
  • rot: red
  • gold: gold
  • Flagge: flag

Question 213

Wie viele Einwohner hat Deutschland?

  • 70 Millionen
  • 78 Millionen
  • 84 Millionen
  • 90 Millionen
Question 213

How many inhabitants does Germany have?

  • 70 million
  • 78 million
  • 84 million
  • 90 million

The correct answer is '84 Millionen' (84 million). Germany currently has a population of approximately 84 million people, making it the most populous country in the European Union.

  • How many inhabitants does Germany have?
    Germany has approximately 84 million inhabitants.
  • Is Germany the most populous country in Europe?
    Yes, Germany is the most populous country in the European Union, with around 84 million inhabitants.
  • How does Germany's population compare to other European countries?
    Germany's population of 84 million makes it the largest in the European Union, followed by countries like France and Italy.
  • Has Germany's population been increasing or decreasing?
    Germany's population has been relatively stable in recent years, with slight increases due to immigration and natural population growth.
  • Einwohner: inhabitants
  • Millionen: million
  • Deutschland: Germany

Question 212

Wie heißt Deutschland mit vollem Namen?

  • Bundesstaat Deutschland
  • Bundesländer Deutschland
  • Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  • Bundesbezirk Deutschland
Question 212

What is Germany's full name?

  • Federal State of Germany
  • Federal States of Germany
  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • Federal District of Germany

The correct answer is 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland' (Federal Republic of Germany). This is the official name of Germany, reflecting its structure as a federal state with a republican form of government.

  • What is the full name of Germany?
    The full name of Germany is 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland,' which translates to the Federal Republic of Germany.
  • Why is Germany called the 'Federal Republic'?
    Germany is called the 'Federal Republic' because it is a federation of individual states (Bundesländer) that have their own governments but are united under a central federal government.
  • What does 'Bundesrepublik' signify?
    'Bundesrepublik' signifies a federal republic, meaning a union of states with a republican form of government.
  • When did Germany adopt the name 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland'?
    Germany adopted the name 'Bundesrepublik Deutschland' after World War II, in 1949, with the establishment of West Germany. It continued to be the official name after reunification in 1990.
  • Bundesrepublik: Federal Republic
  • Deutschland: Germany
  • voller Name: full name

Question 211

Welcher Politiker steht für die "Ostverträge"?

  • Helmut Kohl
  • Willy Brandt
  • Michail Gorbatschow
  • Ludwig Erhard
Question 211

Which politician is associated with the 'Ostverträge'?

  • Helmut Kohl
  • Willy Brandt
  • Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Ludwig Erhard

The correct answer is 'Willy Brandt.' Willy Brandt, the Chancellor of West Germany, is most closely associated with the 'Ostverträge,' which were treaties aimed at normalizing relations with Eastern European countries during the Cold War.

  • What were the 'Ostverträge'?
    The 'Ostverträge' (Eastern Treaties) were a series of treaties in the 1970s aimed at normalizing relations between West Germany and Eastern Bloc countries, including the Soviet Union, Poland, and East Germany.
  • Why is Willy Brandt associated with the 'Ostverträge'?
    Willy Brandt, as Chancellor of West Germany, was the architect of the 'Ostpolitik,' which led to the signing of the 'Ostverträge' to improve relations between West Germany and Eastern Europe during the Cold War.
  • What impact did the 'Ostverträge' have on Europe?
    The 'Ostverträge' helped reduce tensions during the Cold War and opened the door for improved diplomatic and economic relations between West Germany and Eastern Europe.
  • Was Helmut Kohl involved in the 'Ostverträge'?
    No, Helmut Kohl is known for his role in the reunification of Germany, not for the 'Ostverträge,' which were initiated by Willy Brandt.
  • Ostverträge: Eastern Treaties
  • Politiker: politician
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