Was ereignete sich am 17. Juni 1953 in der DDR?
What happened on June 17, 1953, in the DDR?
The correct answer is 'landesweite Streiks und ein Volksaufstand' (nationwide strikes and a popular uprising). On June 17, 1953, East Germany experienced a series of protests and strikes against the communist government, which were brutally suppressed by Soviet forces.
Welches war das Wappen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik?
Which was the coat of arms of the German Democratic Republic?
The correct answer is 'Bild 4' (Image 4). The coat of arms of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR) included a hammer, compass, and a wreath of grain, symbolizing the alliance between workers, peasants, and intellectuals.
Was war die "Stasi"?
What was the 'Stasi'?
The correct answer is 'der Geheimdienst der DDR' (the secret service of the DDR). The Stasi was the official state security service of East Germany (DDR) and was known for its extensive surveillance and suppression of dissent.
In welchem Militärbündnis war die DDR Mitglied?
In which military alliance was the DDR a member?
The correct answer is 'im Warschauer Pakt' (in the Warsaw Pact). The DDR (East Germany) was a member of the Warsaw Pact, a military alliance of communist countries during the Cold War, led by the Soviet Union.
Woran erinnern die sogenannten „Stolpersteine“ in Deutschland?
What do the so-called 'Stolpersteine' in Germany commemorate?
The correct answer is 'an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus' (to the victims of National Socialism). Stolpersteine are small brass plaques embedded in sidewalks, commemorating individuals persecuted or murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust.
Mit dem Beitritt der DDR zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland gehören die neuen Bundesländer nun auch …
With the accession of the DDR to the Federal Republic of Germany, the new federal states also belong to …
The correct answer is 'zur Europäischen Union' (to the European Union). When the DDR joined the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990, the new federal states also became part of the European Union.
Wie wurden die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die DDR zu einem Staat?
How did the Federal Republic of Germany and the DDR become one state?
The correct answer is 'Die heutigen fünf östlichen Bundesländer sind der Bundesrepublik beigetreten.' (The current five eastern federal states joined the Federal Republic). This reflects the peaceful reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.
Wie hieß das Wirtschaftssystem der DDR?
What was the economic system of the DDR called?
The correct answer is 'Planwirtschaft' (planned economy). The DDR had a centrally planned economy where the state controlled all aspects of economic production and distribution.
Zu wem gehörte die DDR im 'Kalten Krieg'?
To which alliance did the DDR belong during the Cold War?
The correct answer is 'zum Warschauer Pakt' (to the Warsaw Pact). The DDR (East Germany) was a member of the Warsaw Pact, which was a military alliance of communist countries led by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Welche der folgenden Auflistungen enthält nur Bundesländer, die zum Gebiet der früheren DDR gehörten?
Which of the following lists contains only federal states that were part of the former DDR?
The correct answer is 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Brandenburg, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt.' These states were part of the former DDR before German reunification in 1990.
Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?
Which modern German federal state was previously part of the DDR?
The correct answer is 'Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.' This state was part of the DDR (East Germany) before reunification in 1990 and is now one of Germany's 16 federal states.
Mit der Abkürzung "Stasi" meinte man in der DDR …
The abbreviation 'Stasi' in the DDR referred to …
The correct answer is 'das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit' (the Ministry for State Security). The Stasi was the state security service in the DDR, responsible for surveillance, intelligence, and suppressing opposition.
Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?
Which modern German federal state was previously part of the DDR?
The correct answer is 'Sachsen' (Saxony). Saxony was part of the former DDR before reunification in 1990 and is now one of Germany's 16 federal states.
Welches heutige deutsche Bundesland gehörte früher zum Gebiet der DDR?
Which modern German federal state was previously part of the DDR?
The correct answer is 'Thüringen' (Thuringia). Thuringia was part of the former DDR before reunification in 1990 and is now one of Germany's 16 federal states.
Warum nennt man die Zeit im Herbst 1989 in der DDR "Die Wende"? In dieser Zeit veränderte sich die DDR politisch …
Why is the period in autumn 1989 in the DDR called 'Die Wende'? During this time, the DDR changed politically ...
The correct answer is 'von einer Diktatur zur Demokratie' (from a dictatorship to a democracy). 'Die Wende' refers to the political transformation that took place in East Germany (DDR) in 1989, resulting in the end of communist rule and the eventual reunification of Germany.