Learn: Leben in Deutschland

Question 255

Bei Erziehungsproblemen können Eltern in Deutschland Hilfe erhalten vom …

  • Ordnungsamt.
  • Schulamt.
  • Jugendamt.
  • Gesundheitsamt.
Question 255

In cases of parenting problems, parents in Germany can receive help from the ...

  • public order office.
  • school authority.
  • youth welfare office.
  • health office.

The correct answer is 'Jugendamt' (youth welfare office). In Germany, the Jugendamt offers support to parents who are facing difficulties with parenting and child-rearing, including providing counseling and intervention if necessary.

  • What is the role of the Jugendamt in Germany?
    The Jugendamt (youth welfare office) provides support and assistance to families dealing with child-rearing (Erziehungs) issues, including guidance, counseling, and sometimes intervention in difficult family situations.
  • Can the Schulamt help with parenting issues?
    No, the Schulamt is primarily responsible for school-related matters and does not typically provide assistance for general parenting issues.
  • Does the Gesundheitsamt help with parenting issues?
    No, the Gesundheitsamt focuses on public health matters and does not offer direct assistance with parenting problems.
  • When should parents contact the Jugendamt?
    Parents should contact the Jugendamt if they need support with child-rearing, such as behavioral issues, family conflicts, or when they are concerned about their child's welfare.
  • Erziehungsproblemen: parenting problems
  • Jugendamt: youth welfare office
  • Ordnungsamt: public order office
  • Schulamt: school authority
  • Gesundheitsamt: health office

Question 254

In Deutschland dürfen Ehepaare sich scheiden lassen. Meistens müssen sie dazu das "Trennungsjahr" einhalten. Was bedeutet das?

  • Der Scheidungsprozess dauert ein Jahr.
  • Die Ehegatten sind ein Jahr verheiratet, dann ist die Scheidung möglich.
  • Das Besuchsrecht für die Kinder gilt ein Jahr.
  • Die Ehegatten führen mindestens ein Jahr getrennt ihr eigenes Leben. Danach ist die Scheidung möglich.
Question 254

In Germany, married couples are allowed to divorce. Usually, they must observe the 'Trennungsjahr' (year of separation). What does this mean?

  • The divorce process takes one year.
  • The spouses must be married for one year, then the divorce is possible.
  • Visitation rights for the children last one year.
  • The spouses live separately for at least one year. After that, the divorce is possible.

The correct answer is 'Die Ehegatten führen mindestens ein Jahr getrennt ihr eigenes Leben. Danach ist die Scheidung möglich.' (The spouses live separately for at least one year. After that, the divorce is possible). In Germany, spouses must observe the 'Trennungsjahr,' a one-year separation period, before they are eligible to file for divorce.

  • What is the 'Trennungsjahr' in Germany?
    The 'Trennungsjahr' is a mandatory one-year separation period in Germany during which spouses live separately before they can file for divorce.
  • Do spouses have to be married for a year before they can divorce?
    No, the requirement is to live separately for one year ('Trennungsjahr') before initiating a divorce, not to be married for a certain period.
  • Is the divorce process automatically completed after one year?
    No, the 'Trennungsjahr' only means that the couple must live separately for a year before they can file for divorce. The divorce process itself may take longer.
  • Trennungsjahr: year of separation
  • Scheidung: divorce
  • Ehegatten: spouses

Question 253

Wo müssen Sie sich anmelden, wenn Sie in Deutschland umziehen?

  • beim Einwohnermeldeamt
  • beim Standesamt
  • beim Ordnungsamt
  • beim Gewerbeamt
Question 253

Where must you register when you move within Germany?

  • at the registration office
  • at the registry office
  • at the public order office
  • at the trade office

The correct answer is 'beim Einwohnermeldeamt' (at the registration office). In Germany, after moving to a new residence, you are required to register your new address at the Einwohnermeldeamt.

  • What is the 'Einwohnermeldeamt' in Germany?
    The 'Einwohnermeldeamt' is the registration office where residents must register their new address after moving.
  • Do I need to register my address at the Standesamt?
    No, the Standesamt is responsible for matters such as births, marriages, and deaths, not for address registration.
  • What is the process for registering your new address in Germany?
    After moving, you must visit the Einwohnermeldeamt within a set period (typically two weeks) to register your new address.
  • Einwohnermeldeamt: registration office
  • umziehen: to move
  • anmelden: to register

Question 252

In Deutschland …

  • darf man zur gleichen Zeit nur mit einer Partnerin/einem Partner verheiratet sein.
  • kann man mehrere Ehepartnerinnen/Ehepartner gleichzeitig haben.
  • darf man nicht wieder heiraten, wenn man einmal verheiratet war.
  • darf eine Frau nicht wieder heiraten, wenn ihr Mann gestorben ist.
Question 252

In Germany …

  • you are only allowed to be married to one partner at a time.
  • you can have several spouses at the same time.
  • you are not allowed to marry again if you were once married.
  • a woman is not allowed to remarry if her husband has died.

The correct answer is 'darf man zur gleichen Zeit nur mit einer Partnerin/einem Partner verheiratet sein.' (You are only allowed to be married to one partner at a time). In Germany, polygamy is not allowed, and individuals can only be married to one person at a time.

  • Can you be married to more than one person at the same time in Germany?
    No, polygamy is illegal in Germany. You are only allowed to be married to one person at a time.
  • Is it possible to remarry after a divorce in Germany?
    Yes, you are allowed to remarry after a divorce in Germany.
  • Can a widow remarry in Germany?
    Yes, a woman whose husband has passed away is allowed to remarry in Germany.
  • zur gleichen Zeit: at the same time
  • Partnerin/Partner: female partner/male partner
  • Ehepartnerin/Ehepartner: female spouse/male spouse
  • wieder heiraten: to remarry
  • gestorben: died

Question 251

Wenn man in Deutschland ein Kind schlägt, …

  • geht das niemanden etwas an.
  • geht das nur die Familie etwas an.
  • kann man dafür nicht bestraft werden.
  • kann man dafür bestraft werden.
Question 251

If you hit a child in Germany, …

  • it's nobody's business.
  • it's only the family's business.
  • you cannot be punished for it.
  • you can be punished for it.

The correct answer is 'kann man dafür bestraft werden' (you can be punished for it). In Germany, it is illegal to hit a child, and physical abuse can lead to legal consequences, including punishment under criminal law.

  • Is it legal to hit a child in Germany?
    No, it is illegal to hit a child in Germany. Parents or guardians can be punished for physical violence against children.
  • Does child abuse only concern the family in Germany?
    No, child abuse is a societal concern in Germany, and authorities like the Jugendamt can intervene.
  • What are the consequences of hitting a child in Germany?
    If someone hits a child, they can face legal consequences, including fines or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the abuse.
  • Kind: child
  • schlagen: to hit
  • bestraft werden: to be punished
  • geht das niemanden etwas an: it's nobody's business

Question 250

In Deutschland hat man die besten Chancen auf einen gut bezahlten Arbeitsplatz, wenn man …

  • katholisch ist.
  • gut ausgebildet ist.
  • eine Frau ist.
  • Mitglied einer Partei ist.
Question 250

In Germany, you have the best chances of getting a well-paid job if you …

  • is Catholic.
  • is well-educated.
  • is a woman.
  • is a member of a political party.

The correct answer is 'gut ausgebildet ist' (is well-educated). In Germany, having a good education and qualifications significantly increases your chances of obtaining a well-paid job.

  • What is the most important factor for getting a well-paid job in Germany?
    The most important factor for getting a well-paid job in Germany is having a good education or qualification.
  • Does religion affect job prospects in Germany?
    No, religion does not significantly affect job prospects in Germany. Education and qualifications are more important.
  • Is being a woman an advantage for getting a well-paid job in Germany?
    Being a woman does not automatically improve chances for a well-paid job. Equal opportunities exist, but education and skills are key factors.
  • Does being a member of a political party influence job opportunities?
    Being a member of a political party does not generally influence job opportunities. Education and qualifications remain the most significant factors.
  • gut ausgebildet: well-educated
  • Arbeitsplatz: job/workplace
  • Mitglied: member
  • Partei: political party

Question 249

Wer ist in Deutschland hauptsächlich verantwortlich für die Kindererziehung?

  • der Staat
  • die Eltern
  • die Verwandten
  • die Schulen
Question 249

Who is primarily responsible for raising children in Germany?

  • the state
  • the parents
  • the relatives
  • the schools

The correct answer is 'die Eltern' (the parents). In Germany, the primary responsibility for raising and educating children lies with the parents, although schools and the state provide educational support and protection for children's rights.

  • Who is primarily responsible for raising children in Germany?
    The parents are primarily responsible for raising their children in Germany.
  • Does the state have a role in child-rearing in Germany?
    While the state provides support and ensures children's rights, the primary responsibility for raising children lies with the parents.
  • Do schools have the main responsibility for children's upbringing?
    No, schools contribute to education, but the primary responsibility for upbringing and moral guidance rests with the parents.
  • Can relatives take over the responsibility for raising children?
    Relatives can support parents, but they do not hold the primary responsibility for raising children unless there are special circumstances.
  • hauptsächlich: primarily
  • Kindererziehung: child-rearing
  • Verwandten: relatives
  • Schulen: schools

Question 248

Die Erziehung der Kinder ist in Deutschland vor allem Aufgabe …

  • des Staates.
  • der Eltern.
  • der Großeltern.
  • der Schulen.
Question 248

The raising of children in Germany is primarily the responsibility of ...

  • of the state.
  • of the parents.
  • of the grandparents.
  • of the schools.

The correct answer is 'der Eltern' (of the parents). In Germany, the primary responsibility for raising children lies with the parents, although schools and the state support their education and welfare.

  • Who is primarily responsible for raising children in Germany?
    In Germany, parents are primarily responsible for raising their children.
  • What role does the state play in child-rearing in Germany?
    The state provides support and protection for children's rights, but the primary responsibility for raising children rests with the parents.
  • Do grandparents have the main responsibility for child-rearing in Germany?
    No, grandparents may assist, but the main responsibility lies with the parents.
  • Are schools responsible for child-rearing in Germany?
    Schools are responsible for educating children, but the primary responsibility for their upbringing remains with the parents.
  • Erziehung: raising/education
  • Aufgabe: task/responsibility
  • Großeltern: grandparents
  • Schulen: schools

Question 247

Eine Frau ist schwanger. Sie ist kurz vor und nach der Geburt ihres Kindes vom Gesetz besonders beschützt. Wie heißt dieser Schutz?

  • Elternzeit
  • Mutterschutz
  • Geburtsvorbereitung
  • Wochenbett
Question 247

A woman is pregnant. She is especially protected by law shortly before and after the birth of her child. What is this protection called?

  • parental leave
  • maternity protection
  • birth preparation
  • postpartum period

The correct answer is 'Mutterschutz' (maternity protection). In Germany, Mutterschutz is a legal protection that ensures pregnant women and new mothers receive time off and job security before and after childbirth.

  • What is 'Mutterschutz' in Germany?
    'Mutterschutz' refers to the legal protection for pregnant women and new mothers, including maternity leave and job protection before and after childbirth.
  • Is 'Elternzeit' the same as 'Mutterschutz'?
    No, 'Elternzeit' is parental leave for both parents after the child is born, while 'Mutterschutz' specifically protects the mother before and after childbirth.
  • What does 'Geburtsvorbereitung' mean?
    'Geburtsvorbereitung' refers to childbirth preparation classes or activities that expectant parents can attend before the birth.
  • What is 'Wochenbett'?
    'Wochenbett' refers to the postpartum period where the mother recovers after childbirth.
  • schwanger: pregnant
  • Mutterschutz: maternity protection
  • Elternzeit: parental leave
  • Geburtsvorbereitung: birth preparation
  • Wochenbett: postpartum period

Question 246

Ab welchem Alter ist man in Deutschland volljährig?

  • 16
  • 18
  • 19
  • 21
Question 246

At what age is a person considered an adult in Germany?

  • 16
  • 18
  • 19
  • 21

The correct answer is '18.' In Germany, a person is considered legally an adult (volljährig) at the age of 18, gaining full legal rights and responsibilities.

  • At what age is a person considered an adult in Germany?
    In Germany, a person is considered an adult at the age of 18.
  • Can 16-year-olds be considered adults in Germany?
    No, 16-year-olds are not considered adults in Germany. The age of majority is 18.
  • What are the legal implications of turning 18 in Germany?
    At 18, individuals gain full legal rights and responsibilities, including the right to vote, sign contracts, and make independent decisions.
  • volljährig: of legal age/adult
  • Alter: age

Question 245

Wer darf in Deutschland nicht als Paar zusammenleben?

  • Hans (20 Jahre) und Marie (19 Jahre)
  • Tom (20 Jahre) und Klaus (45 Jahre)
  • Sofie (35 Jahre) und Lisa (40 Jahre)
  • Anne (13 Jahre) und Tim (25 Jahre)
Question 245

Who is not allowed to live together as a couple in Germany?

  • Hans (20 years old) and Marie (19 years old)
  • Tom (20 years old) and Klaus (45 years old)
  • Sofie (35 years old) and Lisa (40 years old)
  • Anne (13 years old) and Tim (25 years old)

The correct answer is 'Anne (13 Jahre) und Tim (25 Jahre).' In Germany, minors under the age of 14 are protected by law and are not allowed to live as a couple with adults, as it violates child protection laws.

  • Who is not allowed to live together as a couple in Germany?
    In Germany, it is illegal for minors under the age of 14 to be in a romantic relationship with adults. Therefore, Anne (13) and Tim (25) are not allowed to live together as a couple.
  • Can same-sex couples live together as a couple in Germany?
    Yes, same-sex couples can legally live together as a couple in Germany.
  • Are there age restrictions for living together as a couple in Germany?
    Yes, there are age restrictions in place to protect minors. Romantic relationships between adults and minors under 14 are not allowed.
  • zusammenleben: to live together
  • Paar: couple
  • Jahre: years

Question 244

Welchen Schulabschluss braucht man normalerweise, um an einer Universität in Deutschland ein Studium zu beginnen?

  • das Abitur
  • ein Diplom
  • die Prokura
  • eine Gesellenprüfung
Question 244

Which school qualification is normally required to begin university studies in Germany?

  • the Abitur
  • a diploma
  • the power of attorney
  • a journeyman's examination

The correct answer is 'das Abitur' (the Abitur). In Germany, the Abitur is the required school-leaving qualification for students to begin studying at a university.

  • What is the Abitur in Germany?
    The Abitur is the final exam taken at the end of secondary education in Germany, qualifying students for university admission.
  • Is a diploma required to start university studies in Germany?
    No, a diploma is not typically required to start university in Germany. The usual requirement is the Abitur.
  • What is the purpose of the Gesellenprüfung?
    The Gesellenprüfung is an examination taken at the end of vocational training, but it does not qualify someone for university studies.
  • Is the Prokura related to university studies?
    No, Prokura refers to a legal authorization, not a qualification for university admission.
  • Schulabschluss: school qualification
  • Universität: university
  • Studium: studies
  • Abitur: Abitur

Question 243

Maik und Sybille wollen mit Freunden an ihrem deutschen Wohnort eine Demonstration auf der Straße abhalten. Was müssen sie vorher tun?

  • Sie müssen die Demonstration anmelden.
  • Sie müssen nichts tun. Man darf in Deutschland jederzeit überall demonstrieren.
  • Sie können gar nichts tun, denn Demonstrationen sind in Deutschland grundsätzlich verboten.
  • Maik und Sybille müssen einen neuen Verein gründen, weil nur Vereine demonstrieren dürfen.
Question 243

Maik and Sybille want to hold a demonstration with friends on the street in their German hometown. What do they need to do beforehand?

  • They must register the demonstration.
  • They don't need to do anything. You are allowed to demonstrate anytime and anywhere in Germany.
  • They can't do anything because demonstrations are generally forbidden in Germany.
  • Maik and Sybille must form a new association because only associations are allowed to demonstrate.

The correct answer is 'Sie müssen die Demonstration anmelden.' (They must register the demonstration.) In Germany, public demonstrations must be registered with local authorities before taking place.

  • Do you need to register a demonstration in Germany?
    Yes, demonstrations must be registered in advance with the local authorities in Germany.
  • Are demonstrations generally forbidden in Germany?
    No, demonstrations are not generally forbidden. However, they must be registered with the authorities beforehand.
  • Can anyone demonstrate, or do you need to form an association?
    Anyone can organize a demonstration in Germany. You do not need to form an association to do so.
  • Demonstration: demonstration
  • anmelden: to register
  • Verein: association

Question 242

Wer entscheidet, ob ein Kind in Deutschland in den Kindergarten geht?

  • der Staat
  • die Bundesländer
  • die Eltern/die Erziehungsberechtigten
  • die Schulen
Question 242

Who decides if a child in Germany goes to kindergarten?

  • the state
  • the federal states
  • the parents/legal guardians
  • the schools

The correct answer is 'die Eltern/die Erziehungsberechtigten' (the parents/legal guardians). In Germany, the decision of whether a child attends kindergarten is made by the parents or legal guardians. Kindergarten attendance is not mandatory.

  • Who decides if a child goes to kindergarten in Germany?
    The parents or legal guardians decide whether a child attends kindergarten in Germany.
  • Is it mandatory for a child to attend kindergarten in Germany?
    No, kindergarten is not mandatory in Germany. It is a decision made by the parents or legal guardians.
  • Do schools in Germany decide whether children attend kindergarten?
    No, schools do not decide if a child attends kindergarten. This decision is made by the parents or legal guardians.
  • Kindergarten: kindergarten
  • Erziehungsberechtigte: legal guardians
  • Bundesländer: federal states
  • Schulen: schools

Question 241

Frau Seger bekommt ein Kind. Was muss sie tun, um Elterngeld zu erhalten?

  • Sie muss an ihre Krankenkasse schreiben.
  • Sie muss einen Antrag bei der Elterngeldstelle stellen.
  • Sie muss nichts tun, denn sie bekommt automatisch Elterngeld.
  • Sie muss das Arbeitsamt um Erlaubnis bitten.
Question 241

Frau Seger is having a child. What must she do to receive parental allowance?

  • She must write to her health insurance provider.
  • She must submit an application to the parental allowance office.
  • She doesn't have to do anything because she automatically receives parental allowance.
  • She must ask the employment agency for permission.

The correct answer is 'Sie muss einen Antrag bei der Elterngeldstelle stellen.' (She must submit an application to the parental allowance office.) In Germany, parents must apply for Elterngeld through the Elterngeldstelle to receive parental allowance after the birth of a child.

  • How does Frau Seger receive Elterngeld in Germany?
    To receive Elterngeld, Frau Seger must submit an application to the Elterngeldstelle (parental allowance office).
  • Is Elterngeld in Germany granted automatically?
    No, Elterngeld is not granted automatically. You must apply for it.
  • Does Frau Seger need to contact her health insurance for Elterngeld?
    No, Elterngeld is handled by the Elterngeldstelle, not the health insurance provider.
  • Does the employment agency handle Elterngeld in Germany?
    No, the employment agency does not handle Elterngeld. You apply for it through the Elterngeldstelle.
  • Elterngeld: parental allowance
  • Antrag: application
  • Krankenkasse: health insurance provider
  • Arbeitsamt: employment agency
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